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A visit to the Polish-German Centre for Cooperation of Border, Police and Customs Services in Świecko – joint statement by Polish and German Ministers


On Tuesday, 30 May, Deputy Minister Bartosz Grodecki and German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser participated in a meeting held at the Polish-German Centre for Cooperation of Border, Police and Customs Services. After the talks, the Ministers made a joint statement on border protection and the prevention of illegal migration.

Deputy minister Bartosz Grodecki with Cherman Minister Nancy Faeser

Thank you very much for the cooperation we have been carrying out together with Germany since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, especially concerning helping war refugees, but also the security of our borders,

said Deputy Minister Bartosz Grodecki, Coordinator for Polish-German Cross-Border and Regional Cooperation, at the conference in Świecko.

During his speech, the Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of the Interior and Administration also addressed the talks with the German Interior Minister.

It is no coincidence that today's meeting is in Świecko. Here there is a post of our services whose daily work shows how important our cooperation is. The scope of this collaboration and its further strengthening was the topic of our meeting. We want to counter migratory pressures even more effectively,

he pointed out.

Deputy Minister Bartosz Grodecki also spoke about border security.

Systemic solutions regarding the protection of the external border, the security of internal borders, and cooperation between our countries are indispensable. In our discussion with the Minister and representatives of state authorities, we addressed the issue of effective readmissions and stopping the use of the international protection system to legalise the stay of migrants in Europe’, the Deputy Minister said. ‘Our work on the external border, especially with Belarus, is to protect not only the Polish border but also the common European border,

he stated.

German Interior Minister Nancy Feaser thanked the Polish side for their cooperation and expressed hope for its continuation.

Thank you for the close and trusting cooperation, including migration issues. I am convinced that in a situation where we intensify our activities, together we will carry out additional checks on trains and additional compensation measures, and then together we will be able to prevent migration pressure,

the German Interior Minister said.

Furthermore, the Minister expressed her gratitude to Poland for the assistance provided to refugees from Ukraine.

I am particularly grateful to the Republic of Poland for taking in such a lot of refugees from war-torn Ukraine. Thank you for your efforts to care for these people,

she stressed.

During today's meeting, the Ministers agreed on a joint statement on German-Polish cooperation.

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