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Buffer zone along the Belarusian border to remain active for an additional 90 days


In the nearly 90-day-long period following the establishment of the buffer zone along the Polish-Belarusian border, the number of irregular border crossing attempts dropped by 64%. This confirms the effectiveness of this solution and justifies its implementation. The Minister of the Interior and Administration signed a regulation extending the temporary restrictions limiting freedom of movement within the designated area adjacent to the Belarusian border. The regulation will take effect as of Wednesday, 11 September 2024.

The photo shows an off-road vehicle of the border guards and a sign Buffer zone along the Belarusian border to remain active for an additional 90 days

'Establishing the zone has yielded a number of positive results. The main objective of this measure is to assist in the combating of human traffickers, who offer their services to the migrants crossing the border' noted Minister Tomasz Siemoniak, justifying his decision to sign the extension. 
The pressure on the Polish-Belarusian border, which stems from the irregular migration crisis exacerbated by the authorities in Minsk, is constantly on the rise. This constitutes one of the elements of hybrid warfare, the clear objective of which is the destabilization of Poland and other EU Member States. The Polish authorities are taking steps to curb its impact. One of the measures concerns extending the temporary restrictions on freedom of movement within the designated area in the border zone adjacent to the Belarusian border. 

The number of attempted irregular border crossings fell by 64%. 

The figures show that the buffer zone and the existing regulations have served their purpose, significantly lowering the number of attempts at irregular border crossings into Poland. The temporary restrictions concerning the freedom of movement within the designated area in the border zone adjacent to the Belarusian border have been in force since 13 June 2024. 

Throughout the period from 13 June to 9 September, the Border Guard recorded 6,130 irregular border crossing attempts. In the corresponding length of time preceding the establishment of the buffer zone, there were 17,030 such attempts. In other words, the number of attempted irregular border crossings fell by 64%. 

In addition, between 13 June and 9 September, officers of the Podlasie Border Guard detained 71 traffickers active in the area. 

Access for media representatives

To date, the Border Guard has issued 158 permits enabling entry to the buffer zone. 97 of them were issued to media representatives. The largest number of permits concerned Białowieża (66) and Dubicze Cerkiewne (44).

23 permits were issued to representatives of an international NGO, while 9 were requested by and given to the Regional Directorate of State Forests.

Limited area of the buffer zone

By signing the previous regulation, the Minister of the Interior and Administration has introduced temporary restrictions of freedom of movement within the designated area adjacent to the Belarusian border, which were in effect from 13 June to 10 September 2024. With the new bill, the buffer zone will remain active for 90 more days. The area of the buffer zone outlined in the regulation will remain unchanged.

The buffer zone stretches along a 60.67-kilometre section of the border within the jurisdiction of the Border Guard Outposts in Narewka, Białowieża, Dubicze Cerkiewne and Czeremcha. Along a 44.45-kilometre section of the border, the buffer zone extends 200 metres from the state border line. The remaining 16.12-kilometre section of the border, which runs through nature reserves, has a 2-kilometre-wide buffer zone. 

The regulation does not cover villages, towns and hiking trails. This provision was included to alleviate the impact of the restrictions on residents and tourists as well as companies and employees.

Safety of officers and soldiers

The objective of these regulations is not only to ensure the security of the state border, but also to improve the safety of civilians, police staff and officers, Border Guard officers and soldiers, by limiting the presence of bystanders in the affected area.

The buffer zone is also intended to hamper the operations of human traffickers facilitating irregular migration, while enabling works concerning the overhaul of the border fence and its electronic components.

Extending the restrictions limiting freedom of movement within the designated area adjacent to the Belarusian border will have a positive impact on the safety of members of the general public and of workers carrying out technical works in the area. It is also one of the ways of fulfilling Poland's international security obligations. 
