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Minister Mariusz Kamiński attended the European Conference on Border Management


– 'A very substantive discussion was held. Most national delegations believe that the European Union's external border is a common issue, and so are the installations and financial outlays borne by bordering countries,' said Minister Mariusz Kamiński on Friday (21 January) in Vilnius. The Head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration took part in the European Conference on Border Management, jointly organised by Poland, Lithuania, Austria and Greece.

European Conference

The meeting was attended by the Ministers of the Interior of European Union Member States, Schengen states, as well as representatives of EU institutions and agencies (including the European Commission, Europol, Frontex, the European Asylum Agency and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights). Before the meeting, the Ministers visited the Lithuanian-Belarusian border, which is the external border of the European Union.

During the meeting, the Head of the Polish Ministry of the Interior and Administration stressed the need to strengthen joint efforts to protect the Community's external borders. In the current situation, where illegal migration has become a political instrument constituting one of the threats to the security of the entire European Union, Poland considers the need for effective control along the entire length of the EU external border as a priority, including the establishment of physical barriers. All external borders must be protected at the highest level of security to ensure the integrity and smooth functioning of the Schengen area.

In the context of effectively responding to hybrid attacks that use migration to destabilise the situation in the European Union, Minister Mariusz Kamiński pointed to the need for shared solutions at the level of EU law. These are to ensure that adequate and rapid action and decisive measures can be undertaken to combat the threats. In Poland's opinion, the European Commission's legislative proposals of December 2021 insufficiently take the lessons learned from the current situation into account. During the meeting, the necessity to intensify EU cooperation with third countries to successfully implement the migrants' return to their country of origin was also highlighted.

The 16 participants of the European Border Management Conference signed a joint ministerial declaration in which they proclaim cooperation in the field of protection of the European Union's external borders. The full text of the statement is provided below:


Document Vilnius
document​_Vilnius.pdf 0.28MB

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