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Polish-Lithuanian talks on cross-border cooperation


Bartosz Grodecki, undersecretary of state in the Ministry of Interior and Administration, and Arnoldas Abramavičius, Deputy Minister of the Interior of Lithuania, chaired the 20th anniversary meeting of the Polish-Lithuanian Intergovernmental Commission on Cross-Border Cooperation. The meeting was held on 23-24 September in Vilnius.

Polish-Lithuanian talks on cross-border cooperation

They also discussed the cooperation in rescue operations and civil protection in the Polish-Lithuanian borderland, which culminated in the signing of the Methodological Instruction for firefighting units of the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Lithuania participating in mutual assistance. The Commission Members also considered the need to prepare a vision of spatial-territorial development of the Polish Lithuanian borderland.

During the meeting, the implementation of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Lithuania and assumptions of the new programming period were discussed. Also discussed was cooperation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological services and cooperation in the field of transport. It was agreed that an important goal is to inaugurate passenger train service on the Vilnius-Warsaw route in the future. 

The Polish-Lithuanian Intergovernmental Commission for Cross-Border Cooperation was established under the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on cross-border cooperation signed on 16 September 1995 in Vilnius. The Commission meetings are held alternately in Poland and Lithuania. 

That was the first meeting of the Commission after the break caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Both sides confirmed that despite the restrictions associated with the fight against the pandemic, Polish-Lithuanian cross-border cooperation is developing very dynamically and regular meetings are held at the highest political level.