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Schedule of work on the creation of a comprehensive, responsible and safe migration strategy of Poland for the years 2025–2030


In the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MIA), work has begun on the creation of a comprehensive, responsible and safe migration strategy for Poland for the years 2025–2030. As was announced earlier, the schedule of actions was presented by Deputy Minister Maciej Duszczyk, who is responsible for international affairs and migration policy in MIA. The strategy adoption process will be concluded before Poland assumes the presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Schedule of work on the creation of a comprehensive, responsible and safe migration strategy of Poland for the years 2025–2030

The migration strategy will include key decisions from the perspective of the state. It will be a synthetic and guidance document for actions undertaken by various institutions and entities implementing the migration policy,

stressed Deputy Minister Maciej Duszczyk.

The efforts to develop Poland’s migration strategy will be conducted on a very broad scale and in consideration of various positions. Therefore, the following work schedule has been adopted.

In January, the Interministerial Migration Team was reactivated. The team will co-ordinate the management of migration processes. The first meeting of the Interministerial Migration Team will be held on 7th February 2024.

In February–April 2024, a questionnaire will be prepared in consultation with the scientific community (Committee on Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences). It will contain a set of migration and migration policy issues. Then the questionnaire will be sent to a wide range of entities dealing with migration policy. Paper and electronic versions of the questionnaire will be made available from April through June 2024. On the basis of its results, a report will be created (July–August 2024).

In September 2024, on the basis of this report, a draft of a strategy for comprehensive, responsible and safe migration for Poland will be presented and submitted for discussion to the Interministerial Migration Team. Social consultations of the draft strategy are planned for October and November 2024.

In accordance with the presented guidelines, the final version of the draft migration strategy will be elaborated in December 2024. Then the draft strategy will be considered by the Council of Ministers. On that basis, from January till June 2025, new legislation will be drafted. One piece of legislation will be a new legislative act on foreigners.

The comprehensive action plan is presented in the table.

2024 Action Action description
January  Reactivation of the Interministerial Migration Team [IMT]

The Interministerial Migration Team is an entity co-ordinating actions within the scope of state migration policy. The outcome of its work will be solutions proposed for introduction in the short-term and long-term perspective. The team will also propose specific solutions to be decided upon by the Council of Ministers.
The first meeting of the IMT will be held on 7th February 2024.

February–April Elaboration of an analytic tool concerning the migration strategy

In consultation with the scientific community (Committee on Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences), a questionnaire containing a set of migration and migration policy issues will be elaborated. On that basis, information will be gathered about expectations of various entities: local authorities, NGOs, employer organisations, trade unions, researchers, etc.

April–June Sending of the questionnaire to entities acting within the broadly understood scope of migration policy

The questionnaire will be sent to various entities dealing with migration policy in its broad sense, with a request to fill it in and send it to MIA. It will be available in electronic and paper versions. The deadline for the submission of the completed questionnaire to MIA is 30th June 2024.

July–August Preparation of a survey report

The analysis of answers to questions contained in the questionnaire will be used for preparing a report that includes commonalities and discrepancies in specific areas of the migration strategy.

September Draft migration strategy for Poland

On the basis of the survey report, the first version of Poland’s migration strategy for the years 2025–2030 will be presented. The draft strategy will be discussed by the Interministerial Migration Team.

October–November Social consultations about the draft strategy

Social consultations about the prepared draft migration strategy of Poland for the years 2025–2030.

December Elaboration of the final version of the draft migration strategy

Work of the Council of Ministers on the draft migration strategy of Poland for the years 2025–2030.

January–June Elaboration of a new legislative act on foreigners

The outcome of work on the migration strategy will be new draft legislation, including a new legislative act on foreigners.