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Simulation excercise with the participation of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration


The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), with headquarters in Warsaw, and Polish authorities, led by the Polish Ministry of the Interior, this week engaged in a Simulation Exercise which aimed to test the adequateness of the national contingency plan for border guarding at the country’s external borders.


Such simulation exercises are regularly conducted by Frontex in all Member States to assess the capacity and readiness of border management at the external borders of the European Union’s external borders. They contribute to maintain elevated, largely standardised levels of security and border control at European borders. In case any issues are detected, Member States are enabled to remedy possible vulnerabilities, if desired with support from Frontex. The need for proper contingency plans is underlined by the difficult situation Poland has been facing since 2021/2022 at its eastern land borders.

Today’s exercise, which follows meticulous preparation, saw the involvement of the Polish Border Guards, the Polish Army, the Polish Fire Fighting Service, the Police, the Office for Foreigners, the Agency for Internal Security and the Government Centre for Security playing out a complex scenario involving simultaneous and intensifying challenges at various border sections.

It was a good opportunity to develop effective instruments of cooperation, and thus to increase mutual trust, between Frontex and Polish authorities in the event of a massive influx of migrants, including the phenomenon of instrumentalisation of migration by third countries, a challenge that Poland faces every day at the Polish-Belarusian border.
