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C-Type Schengen Visa

Where to apply?

You can apply at the Polish consular office in Oslo: Konsulatavdelingen, Republikken Polens Ambassade, Drammensveien 171, 0277 Oslo

Do I have to apply in person?

You should submit your visa application form in person. We do not accept application forms sent via fax, regular mail or e-mail.

How to book an appointment?

You should contact us by e-mail at:

Please note that you should lodge your visa application no more than three months before the start of the intended visit.

What documents do I need to submit?

1.    a visa application form filled in via the e-konsulat system, printed and signed (contact us by e-mail first)
2.    a 3.5 x 4.5 cm colour photo. The photo must be:
a.    sharp, taken against white background and printed on a quality paper,
b.    newer than 6 months,
c.    taken en face, clearly showing the eyes and face from both sides from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders with the face covering 70-80% of the photo. The photo must be taken without any headwear.
3.    you valid passport issued within the last ten years, valid for at least three months from the expected return date, with at least two blank pages for visas. If you have another valid passport, you should attach it to the visa application form.
4.    a copy of the passport page with personal data and photo. 
5.    If you apply for a uniform Schengen visa, allowing you to enter Poland once or twice, you should present proof of a proper, valid travel medical insurance covering all expenses that could arise during your stay(s) in the Schengen zone countries such as return trip for medical reasons, medical emergency, urgent hospital treatment or death. If you apply for a multiple-entry visa, you should present a proper, valid travel medical insurance covering the time of your first planned visit. The insurance must be valid in the territory of all European Union member states and cover the whole period of the intended visit. The insurance should cover minimum 30,000 EUR.
6.    a valid Norwegian residence card (or a valid Norwegian nationall visa) to confirm residence within the consular district of your application.
7.    proof that you have enough means of subsistence in the form decided by the mission:
a.    a valid bank account statement issued by your bank,
b.    a valid credit card with a certificate of means available,
c.    a valid income certificate from your employer for the last three months,
d.    traveller's checques with your name on them – an original and a copy.
8.    proof of accommodation (for example, an official invitation or a hotel booking or reservation).
9.    a document to confirm the purpose and the conditions of your planned stay in Poland.

Additionally, when applying for a visa for a minor you should present:

  • written consent of the child’s parent(s) to apply for a visa, confirmed by a notary. If there is only one guardian, it should be proved by a birth certificate, a court decision on exclusive parental custody or a death certificate of the other parent.
  • originals and copies of parents' passports.
  • original and a copy of a birth certificate.

If a child is entered in their parent's or a legal guardian’s passport, please submit a separate visa application. The visa will be pasted into the parent's or the legal guardian's passport.

Please note:

  • You must apply for a visa in a consular office situated in the consular district of your place of residence.
  • Usually, the above documents are enough to receive a visa. However, the consul may require additional documents.
  • Make sure that you apply for a visa not earlier than three months before your planned journey.
  • The consul may, but does not have to, invite you for an interview.
  • You may be banned from entering the Schengen states if you present forged documents or provide false information.
  • The visa does not guarantee that you will enter the Schengen area - the final decision is always made by the authorities of the country where you intend to cross the Schengen area border.
How much does it cost?

Since 11 June 2024 the fee is 1512 NOK; children from 6 to 12 years old: 512 NOK.

You should pay the fee in cash or by card when you submit your application.

The visa application fee is non-returnable, whatever the consul's decision. 

What is the waiting time?

The consul will decide on your visa application within 15 calendar days of the date of your lodging the application.

That period may be extended up to 30 calendar days in individual cases for further scrutiny of your application.

Exceptionally, the period may be extended up to a maximum of 60 calendar days if additional documentation is needed.  

How to collect the documents?

You can collect your documents in our office in person.

How to appeal?

If you do not agree with the consul's decision, you may ask to have your visa application re-considered. You must apply for the reconsideration in the office that issued the decision within 14 days of its delivery.

The application fee in this case is collected in accordance with item 3.02 of the Consular Fees Table. From 1 July 2022 the fee is 828 NOK.

Revocation or annulment of Schengen visa

If you have received a decision to revoke or annul your Schengen visa that you do not agree with, you have the right to ask for a reconsideration. However, if you have applied yourself for your Schengen visa to be revoked and the consul has agreed, you are not entitled to appeal.
You should apply for reconsideration within 14 days of receiving the decision to annul or revoke your Schengen visa at the consular post that issued the decision.

If you apply for reconsideration after your Schengen visa was revoked or annulled, you do not have to pay the consular fee.

Complaint about refusal to issue Schengen visa, decision to revoke or annul Schengen visa and the consul's activities in this respect.

If the consul who examines your reconsideration request issues a new decision to refuse, annul or revoke your visa, which you do not agree with, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw. The complaint should be forwarded through the consul who made the decision, within 30 days of receiving the decision taken as a result of re-examination.

You do not pay a consular fee for submitting a complaint to the consul, but you have to pay fees for proceedings before administrative courts. Therefore, you have to note that the court will ask you to pay the court fee. More information on the amount of court fees when appealing with the administrative court, possibility to apply for an exemption from the costs and the language of the procedure, is available at: 

Frequently asked questions

Can I apply for a Polish visa if I have a valid Norwegian residence card?

If you have a valid Norwegian residence card, you do not need to apply for a Schegen visa to go to Poland because your Norwegian residence card allows you to travel in the Schengen zone. You should also have your valid passport with you when you travel.
