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D-Type national visa

Where to apply?

You can apply at the Polish consular office in Oslo: Konsulatavdelingen, Republikken Polens Ambassade, Drammensveien 171, 0277 Oslo

Do I have to apply in person?

You should submit your visa application form in person. We do not accept application forms sent via fax, regular mail or e-mail.

How to book an appointment?

You should contact us by e-mail at:

Please note that you should lodge your visa application no more than three months before the start of the intended visit.

What documents do I need to submit? 

You need to submit:

1.    a visa application form filled via the e-konsulat system, printed and signed (first contact us).
2.    a 3.5 x 4.5 cm colour photo. The photo must be:
a.    sharp, taken against white background and printed on quality paper,
b.    taken with the recent 6 months,
c.    taken en face, clearly showing the eyes and face on both sides from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders with face covering 70-80% of the photo. The photo must be taken without any headwear.
3.    your valid passport issued within the last ten years, valid for at least three months from the expected return date, with at least two blank pages for visas.
4.    a copy of the passport page with personal data and photo. 
5.    a document confirming that you have a valid medical travel insurance referred to in Art. 25 (1) (2) (a) of the Polish Act on Foreigners or a document certifying health insurance within the meaning of the Act of 27 August 2004 on health care services financed from public funds. Travel medical insurance for minimum 30,000 EUR should be valid for the whole period of your intended stay in Poland. It should cover all expenses that could arise during your stay, such as return trip for medical reasons, medical emergency, urgent hospital treatment or death. The insurer should undertake to cover the costs of health care services directly to the healthcare provider on the basis of a bill issued by the providing entity.
6.    your valid Norwegian residence card (or valid Norwegian nationall visa) to confirm residence within the consular district of your application.
7.    proof that you have enough means of subsistence in the form decided by the mission (a valid bank account statement, a valid credit card, income certificate or traveller's checques).
8.    proof of accommodation (for example, an official invitation or a hotel booking or reservation).
9.    documents confirming the purpose of your stay in Poland.

Additionally, when applying for a visa for a minor you should present:

  • written consent of the child’s parent(s) to apply for a visa, confirmed by a notary. If there is only one guardian, it should be proved by a birth certificate, a court decision on exclusive parental custody or a death certificate of the other parent.
  • originals and copies of parents' passports.
  • an original and a copy of a birth certificate.

If the child is entered in the parent's or legal guardian’s passport, please submit a separate visa application.  The visa will be pasted into the parent's or the legal guardian's passport.

Please note:

  •  You must apply for a visa in a consular office in the consular district of your place of residence. 
  •  Usually, the above-mentioned documents are enough to receive a visa, however, the consul may require additional documents.
  •  The consul may, but does not have to, invite you for an interview.
  •  D-type visas allow you to stay in other Schengen states for 90 days of any 180-day period. It means that you can legally stay in the Schengen area only if your stay was shorter than 90 days over the past 180 days.  
  • D-type visas are valid for a maximum of one year.
  • Please note that receiving the visa does not guarantee that you will enter Poland - the final decision is always made by the Polish Border Guard.​​​​​​
  • New provisions on travel medical insurance: The information of the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the insurers and their offers which meet the necessary conditions referred to in Article 25 (1) (2) (a) and Article 25 (1b) of the Act of 12 December 2013 on Foreigners is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
How much does it cost? 

The visa fee is collected in accordance with item 3.01 of the Consular Fees Table. Since 1 June 2024 the fee is 1518 NOK. You should pay the fee in cash when you submit your visa application.

The visa application fee is non-returnable, whatever the consul's decision. 

What is the waiting time?

The consul will decide on your visa application within 15 calendar days of the date of your lodging the application.

That period may be extended up to 30 calendar days in individual cases for further scrutiny of your application.

Exceptionally, the period may be extended up to a maximum of 60 calendar days if additional documentation is needed.  

How to collect the documents?

You can collect your documents in our office in person.

How to appeal?

If you do not agree with the consul's decision, you may ask the consul to reconsider your visa application. You should apply for the reconsideration in the office that issued the decision within 14 days of its delivery.

The application fee in this case is collected in accordance with item 3.02 of the Consular Fees Table. From 1 July 2022 the fee is 828 NOK.

Frequently asked questions

Can I apply for a Polish visa if my Norwegian residence card expired and I don't have a valid new one?

No. If you wish to apply for a Polish national visa in Oslo, you need to have your stay in Norway confirmed by a valid Norwegian residence card or a valid Norwegian national visa.

Will I have my student fees refunded if do not receive the visa?

Information about refunding student fees in case of receiving a visa refusal in order to start or continue studies.

The charging fees issues for educational services by public universities are regulated in the Act of 20 July 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science, and in the case of non-public universities, they result from the internal regulations of these universities.

Students conclude civil law contracts with universities, which contain special conditions related to the admission process, the course of studies, as well as provisions regarding the amount of the fees and the rules related to the fee refunds. Candidates for studies should carefully study these documents in detail, in particular the provisions on the rules for obtaining the refund of the paid tuition fees.

Refund issues are settled between students and universities. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, the Embassies of the Republic of Poland, as well as the Consulates of the Republic of Poland do not mediate in issues between the student and the university and do not have legal measures allowing a foreigner, who has been refused a student visa, to obtain a refund of the tuition fees.

If the university fails to comply with the provisions of the contract concluded with the student, in particular, it has not refunded the fee, claims regarding student fees may only be pursued through civil law.

