27.05.2022Unemployment is even lower than in previous estimates! In April, it amounted to 5.2%The registered unemployment rate at the end of April 2022 was 5.2%. “According to the Statistics Poland data, the situation in the labour market is even better than it was predicted by our estimates. The decrease in unemployment is very satisfying, we also want to constantly improve the quality of work, hence the amendments to the Labour Code prepared by the Ministry” - says the Minister of Family and Social Policy, Marlena Maląg.
27.05.2022The Sejm of the Republic of Poland passed the Act on the fourteenth pensionOn Thursday, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland passed the Act on the fourteenth pension. This year, about 9 million persons will receive an additional benefit, of which 7.7 million seniors will receive their payment in full, i.e. equal to the minimum pension. Payments of fourteenth pensions will start at the end of August.
24.05.2022The Council of Ministers adopted a resolution on establishing the National Action Programme for Equal Treatment for the years 2022-2030The major objective of the equal treatment policy is to eliminate discrimination from social life in Poland. This means, inter alia, influencing the creation and application of law and influencing social behaviour so that the principle of equal treatment, which is defined, for example, in Article 32 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, is not violated. The policy related to this area will be defined in the National Action Programme for Equal Treatment for the years 2022-2030.
24.05.2022Remote work soon in the Labour Code. The Council of Ministers adopted the draft actThe possibility of performing remote work included permanently in the Labour Code – this is the main assumption of the draft act adopted by the Council of Ministers. - On the one hand, this is a response to changing trends in the labour market, and on the other hand – a chance to improve possibilities of employing, inter alia, parents of small children – says the Minister of Family and Social Policy, Marlena Maląg.
19.05.2022Meeting of Minister Maląg with employers on the occasion of the European Employers DaysMinister Marlena Maląg, together with Deputy Minister Stanisław Szwed, met with the representatives of employer organisations. The subject of the meeting was an exchange of views on the future of the labour market. The most important challenges in the labour market were identified and views on the Ministry of Labour’s actions related to supporting the employment of citizens of Ukraine in Poland were exchanged.
17.05.2022Minister Maląg: payments of fourteenth pensions will be started in AugustPayments of fourteenth pensions will be started in August, seniors will not have to submit any applications – as the Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg announced on Tuesday in Świercze. This year, about 9 million persons will receive the fourteenth benefit.
16.05.2022The European Employers Days 2022The European Vocational Skills Week takes place on 16-20 May 2022, in the framework of which the European Public Employment Services organize the European Employers Days 2022.
15.05.2022Family picnic in Raszków with the participation of Prime Minister Morawiecki and Minister MalągPrime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister Marlena Maląg attended a family picnic in Raszków on Sunday. ‘Financial security of Polish families is the apple of our eye, it is our priority; our state will not survive if strong families cease to exist’ - said the Prime Minister.
15.05.2022International Day of Families. Overview of actions for families in PolandThe International Day of Families, which falls on 15 May, is a good opportunity to take a closer look at the actions for families in Poland, implemented by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy. – From the flagship “Family 500+” programme, family care capital and co-financing for nurseries, through the Large Family Card to the “Mother 4+” programme. From the very beginning of our rule, the family has been our absolute priority – stresses Minister Marlena Maląg.
14.05.2022Family care capital. Parents: this is a good and well-thought allowanceInvesting in the future of children and their upbringing is the foundation of a well-functioning and happy family. This is the aim of the family care capital that has become a new, real measure of support for many people with small children in Poland. ‘It allows, in particular, to finance part of the expenses for children’s care.’ ‘It contributes to family trips or holidays.’ ‘It is a form of support to buy milk, clothes and toys’ - these are only some example opinions on this allowance that is directed to approx. 615 thousand children.