OECD National Contact Point for responsible business conduct
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What is the OECD National Contact Point?
The main task of the OECD National Contact Points for responsible business conduct (NCP) is:
1) to promote the OECD standards on responsible business conduct (RBC),
2) to handle notifications of alleged breaches of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The OECD NCPs operate in 52 countries:
38 OECD Member States and 14 non-member countries that adhere to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mauritius, Morocco, Peru, Romania, Tunisia, Ukraine and Urugway.
Contact to the Polish NCP
e-mail: kpk.oecd@mfipr.gov.pl
tel.: +48 22 273 84 99, + 48 516 247 009, + 48 532 351 43