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Emergency number 112

112 is an emergency number which is available free of charge throughout the European Union, both from landlines and mobile phones. The emergency number 112 can be dialled from a phone without a SIM card.

Emergency calls to 112 are received at Emergency Notification Centres by emergency number operators.

The emergency number was introduced by resolution of the Council of Europe of 29 July 1991 and formalised by Directive 2002/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on universal service and users' rights relating to electronic communications networks and services (Universal Service Directive).

In many countries, including Poland, the emergency number 112 does not replace existing national emergency numbers.


  • providing effective and professional assistance to those whose life, health, safety and property are at risk.


  • improving public security,
  • helping people in a medical emergency, reducing immediate risks to property and environment and above all saving lives,
  • the primary objective of emergency call centres and emergency number operators is to provide an efficient and quality service, that is why we are reliable, professional and trustworthy.


  • respect,
  • responsibility,
  • safety.

112 is designed to protect your life, health and ensure your safety!

Legal acts

The main document governing operation of the Emergency Call System in Poland is the Emergency Call System Act of 22 November 2013.