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Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

Project Management

The project 8/14/2022/OG-FAMI – “West Pomerania is Friendly to Foreigners” – financed by the Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration, aims to implement a series of activities that will result in comprehensive access for third-country nationals to knowledge about legal procedures and rules applicable in Poland which are necessary for everyday functioning in society. This will be achieved, among other things, through the establishment of two information-advisory points and a special hotline. The added value to the implementation of the project will also be improvement and speed up the process of residence legalization through planned purchases and activities concerning them.

FAMI Bezpieczna Przystań

The primary objectives of the project are increased institutional availability, dissemination and improvement of services related to Integration/Legal migration with waging hostilities in Ukraine. These objectives fit right into the FAMI’s areas of support, such as increasing service availability to foreigners by improving the access and quality of services adapted to the needs of third-country nationals and providing assistance on issues such as legalization of residence.

The primary objectives will be pursued by a series of specific goals, such as:

  • establishment and operation of information-advisory points that work closely with non-governmental organizations in West Pomerania for third-country nationals;
  • dissemination of services and knowledge about residence legalization among foreigners, possibility of receiving social benefits, health services, using employment procedures, and so forth, through operating information-advisory points and establishing hotline for clients;
  • continuation of the quality and speed improvement of application implementation process of third-country nationals (TCNs); accepted directly by the employees of the Department of Civil Affairs and Foreigners of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Office in Szczecin and its Delegation in Koszalin, by organizing the TCNs’ documents and purchasing tools, software and equipment;
  • improvement of foreigners’ service standards as a result of training organized for employees and professional qualifications improvement, which will result in service standard raise for foreigners of third-country nationals and will impact the service efficiency and the positive image of government administration.

The project includes the following activities:

  • Establishment of information-advisory point,
  • Operation of Call Center,
  • Organization of documents of third-country nationals,
  • Purchase of equipment and software for foreigners’ service,
  • Organization of specialized training for the Office’s employees.

The pursuit of the project’s set objectives will enable increased access to integration services for all interested foreigners legally residing in West Pomerania, which closely relates to the specific Integration/Legal migration of the FAMI National Program objective.
