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Reopened recruitment for the project “Together We Can Do More”

On January 2, the Voivodeship Labor Office in Szczecin reopened recruitment for the project “Together We Can Do More – the First Edition of the Activation Program for Foreigners for 2022 – 2023” as part of the Departmental Activation Program for Foreigners for 2022 – 2025.

Plakat promujący program "Razem możemy więcej" (PL)

The project is aimed at Foreigners legally residing in Poland. Its goal is the vocational activation and the social integration of persons from outside our country.

This year we offer:

  • free Polish language courses, as much as 100 hours
  • assistance in creating a CV/RESUME
  • workshops and meetings that will help you find a job in Poland
  • consultations with experts in various fields - psychologist, mentor, coach
  • legal and administrative advice
  • "Mentor Family" support for families in their everyday functioning in the new country
  • active cultural and integration workshops for adults, children and adolescents
  • in-kind and educational support for children and adolescents

Those willing to participate in the project are welcome to contact us. Address and contact information:

41 A. Mickiewicza St., 91 42 56 126, 690 129 096, cudzoziemcy@wup.pl

The project partners are: the Voivodeship Labor Office in Szczecin, the Mi-Gracja Association, the “POLITES” Association and the Szczecin branch of the Association of Ukrainians in Poland.

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