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The evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools


The evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools stems from the need to ensure an independent external assessment of the quality of doctoral education. Its introduction was motivated, among other things, by the conclusions of the Supreme Audit Office's audit of doctoral education (information of 5 January 2016), which indicated the need for a separate external evaluation of the quality of doctoral education.

The evaluation of the quality of education in doctoral schools aims to:

  1. evaluate the conditions for scientific or artistic development created for doctoral students and the ways in which the knowledge and skills acquired by doctoral students, as well as the social competences they developed, are verified;
  2. provide entities running doctoral schools with feedback on the functioning of their schools, as well as disseminating this information in the public space;
  3. allow to run doctoral schools only those entities which guarantee adequate conditions for doctoral students' scientific or artistic development.

The evaluation is carried out by the Science Evaluation Committee at least every six years, according to the agreed schedule, but it is a staggered process for all doctoral schools. The first evaluations will start in the academic year 2024/25. The evaluations - in Polish and English - will be carried out by experts with significant scientific or artistic achievements, including at least one employed at a foreign university or foreign scientific institution, and one doctoral student appointed from among candidates indicated by the Polish Association of Doctoral Candidates.

The object of the evaluation will be to assess:

  1. the adequacy of the curriculum and individual research plans to the learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework (PQF) and their implementation,
  2. the manner of verifying the learning outcomes for qualifications at PQF level 8,
  3. qualifications of academic teachers or academic staff working at a doctoral school,
  4. the quality of the recruitment process,
  5. the quality of scientific or artistic guidance as well as support in research,
  6. the reliability of the mid-term assessment,
  7. internationalisation,
  8. the effectiveness of doctoral education.

The above points constitute the evaluation criteria indicated in Article 261 of the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science. In addition, the evaluation will take place taking into account the detailed criteria specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science on the evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools.

It should be pointed out that the evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools will be characterised by:

  • qualitative evaluation, based on international standards and the expert’s knowledge and experience;
  • an individualised approach correlating with the specificity of education in the doctoral school;
  • a positive (which may include recommendations) or negative (preventing the continuation of the doctoral school) outcome of the evaluation;
  • no ranking of doctoral schools;
  • the cyclical nature of the process, staggered over time for doctoral schools in general.

The area of evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools is regulated in the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 742 as amended) in Section VI. Evaluation of the quality of education, evaluation of doctoral schools and evaluation of the quality of scientific activity in Chapter 2. Evaluation of doctoral schools (Articles 259 - 264), as well as in the following legal acts:

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Pierwsza publikacja:
05.03.2024 12:26 Piotr Zieliński
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The evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools 4.0 23.09.2024 15:36 Piotr Zieliński
The evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools 3.0 06.03.2024 08:21 Piotr Zieliński
The evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools 2.0 06.03.2024 08:04 Piotr Zieliński
The evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools 1.0 05.03.2024 12:26 Piotr Zieliński

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