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Nuclear Material Accountancy

The national system for nuclear material accountancy is based on quantitative verification of nuclear material.

The national system for nuclear material accountancy, performing inspection functions with  respect to this type of  material in Poland, fulfils national obligations resulting from:

  • Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons done at Moscow, Washington and London on 1 July 1968 (5.3.1970) Journal of Laws of 1970, No. 8, Item 60
  • Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of Netherlands, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Atomic Energy Agency, in implementation of Article III, (1) and (4) of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, signed in Brussels on 5 April 1973 (1.3.2007) Journal of Laws of 2007, No. 218, Item 1617
  • Additional Protocol to the Agreement between the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Finland, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of Netherlands, the Portuguese Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of Sweden, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Atomic Energy Agency, in implementation of Article III (1) and (4) of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Vienna, 22 September 1998 (1.3.2007), Journal of Laws of 2007, No. 156, Item 1096
  • Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community done at Rome on 25 March 1957
  • Commission Regulation (Euratom) No. 302/2005 of 8 February 2005 on the Application of Euratom Safeguards (Official Journal EU L54 of 28 February 2005)

The PAA President’s supervision over the performance of obligations under the Agreement is exercised on the ongoing basis since 1969. Since 2000 it also includes control of goods and technologies of so-called dual-use in accordance with the requirements of Additional Protocol. Nuclear material accountancy is conducted on behalf of the PAA President by the Non-proliferation Unit. In matters relating to the control of export and import of nuclear materials, strategic goods, and dual-use technologies, the PAA cooperates with the Ministry of Economic Development. Based on the feedback provided by the Tracker system by the PAA and other ministries, the Ministry of Economic Development issues decisions on control of export and import.

Information about any changes in the inventory of nuclear materials is collected centrally by a system for nuclear material accountancy and control at the PAA. Monthly reports are transmitted by users of nuclear facilities to the Euratom Safeguards Office (ESO) in the form of electronic reports.

Nuclear regulatory inspectors from the Non-proliferation Unit of the PAA together with the IAEA and Euratom inspectors perform safeguards inspections at relevant facilities in order to verify data concerning nuclear materials. Inspectors also perform complementary access under the Additional Protocol. The objective of these inspections is to verify the declared materials and activities conducted in the facilities.

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First published on:
22.03.2021 13:48 administrator
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Title Version Edition / publication data
Nuclear Material Accountancy 3.0 22.03.2021 16:20 Daniel Witowski
Nuclear Material Accountancy 2.0 22.03.2021 16:19 Daniel Witowski
Rejestr zamkniętych źródeł promieniotwórczych 1.0 22.03.2021 13:48 administrator

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