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PAA President

PAA President - Dr Łukasz Młynarkiewicz
PAA Vice President - Andrzej Głowacki


The scope of activities of the Agency’s President

The scope of activities of the Agency’s President shall include the tasks that involve ensuring national nuclear safety and radiological protection, in particular:

  1. Preparation of draft documents related to national policies involving nuclear safety and radiological protection, taking into account the program for nuclear power development and both internal and external threats,
  2. Exercising regulatory control and supervision over the activities leading to actual or potential ionizing radiation exposure of humans and environment, including the issuance of decisions on licences and authorizations and other decisions, as provided in the Atomic Law Act,
  3. Promulgation of technical and organizational recommendations concerning nuclear safety and radiological protection,
  4. Performing the tasks involving the assessment of national radiation situation in normal conditions and in radiation emergency situations, and the transmission of relevant information to appropriate authorities and to the general public,
  5. Performing the tasks resulting from the obligations of the Republic of Poland concerning accountancy and control of nuclear materials, physical protection of nuclear materials and facilities, special control measures for foreign trade in nuclear materials and technologies, and from other obligations resulting from international agreements on nuclear safety and radiological protection,
  6. Activities connected with public communication, education and popularization, scientific, technical and legal information concerning nuclear safety and radiological protection, including activities consisting in providing the general public with information about ionizing radiation and its impact on human health and the environment and about feasible measures to be implemented in the event of radiation emergency – excluding the promotion of the use of ionizing radiation, and in particular, the promotion of nuclear power sector;
  7. Cooperation with governmental and local administration authorities in matters involving nuclear safety and radiological protection, and in matters concerning scientific research in nuclear safety and radiological protection;
  8. Performing the tasks involving national and civil defence and the protection of classified information, which result from other regulations,
  9. Preparing opinions, for the purposes of governmental and local administration, concerning nuclear safety and radiological protection with regard to the proposed technical activities involving peaceful uses of atomic energy;
  10. Cooperation with suitable foreign national entities and international organizations within the scope stated herein;
  11. Developing draft legal acts on the issues covered by the Act and conducting the process of establishing their final form, according to the procedures established in the working rules for the Council of Ministers,
  12. Issuing opinions on the draft legal acts developed by authorized bodies,
  13. Submitting to the Prime Minister annual reports on the activities of the Agency’s President and the assessments of the status of national nuclear safety and radiological protection.
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Information on the publication of the document
First published on:
22.03.2021 13:48 administrator
Written by:
Title Version Edition / publication data
PAA President 6.0 22.03.2021 14:26 Daniel Witowski
PAA President 5.0 22.03.2021 14:25 Daniel Witowski
Kierownictwo 4.0 22.03.2021 14:24 Daniel Witowski
Kierownictwo 3.0 22.03.2021 14:21 Daniel Witowski
Kierownictwo 2.0 22.03.2021 13:48 administrator
Kierownictwo 1.0 22.03.2021 13:48 administrator

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