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Support for the integration of foreigners in Masovia, paying particular attention to the needs arising from the mass influx of third-country nationals resulting from the war in Ukraine

The Masovian Voivodeship Office (MUW) is currently implementing a new project entitled “Support for the Integration of Foreigners in Masovia with special attention to the needs arising from the mass influx of third-country nationals as a result of the war in Ukraine.” The project is co-financed by the National Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (FAMI), and the state budget.


Belka patronacka FAMI


  • Total project budget: 18,261,924,45
  • FAMI contribution: 13,696,443, 33
  • Timeframe for the project: 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2023

The project is carried out in partnership with the Masovian Voivodeship Office with two non-governmental organisations which have been working for foreigners for years:
The Foundation for Somalia (FDS) and the Linguae Mundi - Foreign Language Teaching Foundation (FLM)  

General objectives of the project:

  • Integration of entities (institutions and organizations) operating in key areas for the integration of third-country nationals
  • Professionalisation of staff and persons working with third-country nationals, in particular in the intercultural and legal field
  • Improving the service to third-country nationals by increasing the efficiency of computer terminals
  • Increasing access of third-country nationals to existing local resources and services relevant to the integration process, including advice and information
  • Improving communication between OPT entities and between them and third-country nationals 
  • Increasing access of third-country nationals to existing local resources and services that are useful for the integration process
  • Enhancing skills facilitating the integration of third-country nationals, in particular in the areas of knowledge of the Polish language, the labour market, civic knowledge, Polish culture and history.

Objectives of the individual project elements:

Component 1 
Advice and support on legalisation of residence for third-country nationals and meeting the needs of the Masovian Voivodeship Office in the area of care for foreigners targeted by FAMI, MUW

  1. Advice and support on legalisation of residence, administrative and legal matters, labour rights, counselling and integration assistance, health care, psychological and social care, childcare and family reunification, contact and integration with Polish society.
  2. Capacity building for third-country nationals fleeing the war and other third-country nationals fleeing Ukraine.
  3. Improve the physical and electronic security of access to personal data of third-country nationals.
  4. Prepare workers for the migration challenges related to the increased care of third-country nationals following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and strengthen their multicultural and stress management skills.

Component 2 
Counselling and information activities for foreigners, Foundation for Somalia

  1. Facilitate access of foreign target groups to general and expert advice on their rights and obligations in Poland.
  2. Support for capacity building on rights and obligations in the territory of the Masovian Voivodeship; assistance to foreigners in the process of legalising their stay in Poland; Providing foreigners with the ability to collect necessary documents, inter alia, for legalisation and full preparation of applications, in order to facilitate the legalisation process and facilitate the work of civil servants.
  3. Improving access of foreigners to information, resources, and services in the field of vocational activation, as well as to their fundamental rights and obligations; Improve the legal awareness of the target group and improve knowledge of the functioning of state institutions, possibilities and procedures related to legalisation of residence, insurance, housing, education, etc. in Poland.
  4. Increase the effectiveness of assistance to foreigners by preparing and recruiting (among foreigners) adult integration counsellors; Encourage the participation of foreigners in the implementation of the project.
  5. Effective integration through intercultural events and events and the creation of a neutral level for exploring the differences and similarities between migrants and the host society; Opening up dialogue and strengthening tolerance between the host society and foreigners.

Component 3
Adaptation courses and learning Polish, Foundation for Somalia

  1. Improving access of foreigners to information, resources and services in the field of vocational activation, as well as to their fundamental rights and obligations; Improve the legal awareness of the target group and improve knowledge of the functioning of state institutions, possibilities and procedures related to legalisation of residence, insurance, housing, education, etc. in Poland.
  2. Integration of foreigners into Polish society by learning the Polish language with elements of knowledge about Polish culture.

Component 4
Activation Program for Foreigners, Foundation for Somalia

  1. Enabling the Polish economy to exploit the intellectual potential of foreign target groups; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation among the target group by creating access to knowledge and skills that enable the development of the Polish enterprise; Creation of a platform for exchange of experience and business networking.
  2. Support knowledge and alignment of competences on rights and obligations in the Masovian Voivodeship; measures against abuse and illegal work in Poland; striving to minimise errors and abuses in the legalisation of the stay of foreigners in Poland; Providing foreigners with the ability to collect necessary documents, inter alia, for legalisation and full preparation of applications, in order to facilitate the legalisation process and facilitate the work of civil servants.

Component 5
Supporting the learning of the Polish language by foreigners and meeting the needs of the Mazowiecki Voivodeship Office in the field of assistance to foreigners who are a target group of FAMI by raising the level of foreign language knowledge and competence in the field of multicultural customer care, the Linguae Mundi - Foreign Language Teaching Foundation.

  1. Increase the language skills of the staff of the Mazowiecki Voivodeship Office working with foreigners.
  2. Improving the intercultural competence of the staff of the Mazowiecki Voivodeship Office working with foreigners.
  3. Supporting the process of integration of foreigners by organising adaptation courses in the fields of citizenship, intercultural knowledge, labour law, job search and preparation for full participation in the Polish labour market, education law and health care.
  4. Integration of foreigners into Polish society by learning the Polish language with elements of knowledge about Polish culture.
  5. Improvement of foreign language competence in the field of technical language in preparation for work.
  6. Improving knowledge of the Polish language, knowledge of the culture and history of Poland among foreign children and young people in order to create equal opportunities in education; linguistic and cultural integration of foreign children (pre-school and school age) and their families into Polish society.
  7. Supporting the educational process and equalising the level of competence of foreign children with Polish peers; Improve the quality of relations and the integration of Polish and foreign children in school classes.

Description of results

Component 1 
Advice and support on legalisation of residence for third-country nationals and meeting the needs of the Masovian Voivodeship Office in the area of care for foreigners targeted by FAMI, MUW

  1. Establishment of an information and advice centre open at least 3 days a week, at least 6 hours a day and at least 6 p.m. on one day a week.
  2. Organization of information Saturdays at the WSC.
  3. Creation of a new, clear, and legible website as an information portal for refugees from Ukraine in 4 languages (Polish, English, Russian and Ukrainian)  
  4. Improvement of process management by further expansion of the inPOL IT system including integration with the reference base SIPOBYT and the use of robots to replace laborious and repetitive tasks.
  5. Increase the accessibility of services by increasing the number of customer service centres by 20 jobs – creation of 4 jobs at the new location at 15/17 Nowy Świat Street in Warsaw, creation of 5 additional jobs – layout and development of the corridor on the 1st floor and the room after the checkout – 2 jobs, creation of an additional screening station in the mezzanine, replacement of interior doors by glass and retrofitting with furniture. Retrofitting the new points and processing stations with furniture and the necessary state-of-the-art IT equipment, and improving the convenience of direct service to foreigners by installing air-conditioning systems and new shutters to protect them from the sun.
  6. Expansion of the hard disk array (dedicated to Department of Foreigners’ Affairs - WSC) with additional shelve to increase the capacity and performance of the hard disk array used by the WSC. This will help to improve the smoothness and quality of the work of WSC staff in the IT systems used.
  7. Retrofitting the server room with the necessary hardware for the fast and reliable operation of the computer terminals used in the WSC (access to the Pobyt system) and transferring some of the systems used by the WSC from the shared office infrastructure to dedicated solutions for the WSC. The results will have a long-term impact on the target group by improving customer service. 
  8. Improving the physical security of third-country nationals served at WSC headquarters by installing a video recorder with HDD array on the camera system, which will have a long-term impact on OPT care
  9. Training of 120 employees of the Department of Foreigners’ Affairs in soft skills and stress management in dealing directly with foreigners, which improves both communication skills and the ability to operate the OPT. The result will be long-term. 

Component 2 
Counselling and information activities for foreigners, Foundation for Somalia

  1. Support for the operation of information and advice centres for at least 1,800 foreigners who receive at least 3,330 counselling: at least 900 people receive integrative and general support, at least 1,800 foreign nationals who receive at least 3,330 counselling. 800 people receive legal assistance, at least 400 people are supported by professional, job search and employment law counsellors. 80 persons psychological support, min. 300 people receive support in economic, financial and tax matters, 50 needy people receive social and material support.
  2. Recruitment and training of 9 integration advisers working at the Foundation’s Somalia Advisory Centre and the IUW Consultation Centre
  3. Organisation of 10 thematic information events for migrants, with a total of 120 participants.
  4. Development, publication, and distribution of 2,000 project planners with inlays having the most important information for foreigners.
  5. Organization of 8 intercultural and integration events.

Component 3
Adaptation courses and learning Polish, Foundation for Somalia

  1. Organisation and implementation of 15 adaptation courses “Good Start in Poland” in 5 thematic areas of 20 hours each, attended by at least 108 foreigners.
  2. Provision of 1,200 hours of distance learning in foreign languages at different levels of advancement for at least 160 people.

Component 4 
Vocational Activation Program for Foreigners, Foundation for Somalia

  1. Organisation of three “ABC Entrepreneurship” training courses lasting 8 training days of 8 lessons each, attended by at least 75 migrants.
  2. Opening of a “Club for Migrant Entrepreneurs” bringing together participants in new and previous ABC Entrepreneur programmes, with at least 40 participants.
  3. Provision of 655 hours of advice on setting up and running a company in Poland as well as advice on the submission of the annual tax return.

Component 5 
Supporting the learning of the Polish language by foreigners and meeting the needs of the Mazowiecki Voivodeship Office in the field of assistance to foreigners who are the target group of FAMI by raising the level of foreign language knowledge and competence in the field of multicultural customer care, Linguae Mundi - Foreign Language Teaching Foundation

  1. Conducting 1440 hours of language training for 48 employees professionally related to servicing foreigners
  2. Conducting 32-hour customer service training for 36 employees professionally related to servicing foreigners
  3. Conducting 240-hour adaptation courses for 96 foreigners 
  4. Conducting 3600 hours of Polish language instruction with elements of knowledge about Poland and vocational guidance for 480 foreigners 
  5. 180 hours of instruction in special variations of the Polish language for 24 foreigners
  6. Conducting 240 hours of Polish lessons for 32 foreign children of pre-school and school age with elements of Polish culture and history

Worth a visit:

www.fundusze.mswia.gov.pl – official portal of the Department of Border Policy and International Funds of the Ministry of Interior
www.copemswia.gov.pl – official portal of the European Projects Centre of the Ministry of the Interior

Masovian Voivodeship Office in Warsaw

3/5 Marszałkowska str.
00-624 Warsaw
Telephone: 22 695 67 73
Fax: 22 695 66 03
E-mail: wsc@mazowieckie.pl

Exclusive responsibility for the expressed opinions is borne by the author, and European Commission as well as the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration bear no liability for the method of use of the information made available
