A soil deal for Europe - mission possible in the Baltic Sea Region
Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian RDI Liaison Offices, and NCBR Poland in Brussels in cooperation with countries National Contacts Points (NCPs) are pleased to invite you to the series of webinars “A soil deal for Europe - mission possible in the Baltic Sea Region”.
The first webinar will be held on June 15th dedicated to the EU Soil Mission’s state of play and National initiatives, while the second one on June 29th will focus on the engagement of citizens and business for the EU Soil Mission.
During both events the experts from the European Commission (EC), Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish national authorities, soil research institutions, start-ups and NGOs will showcase the opportunities under “Horizon Europe” funding programme, present best practices on how to contribute to the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” and how to coordinate implementation efforts at the regional level in the Baltic Sea region countries.
Register here.
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