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European Funds

The NCBR is an Intermediate Institution in the transfer of funds under operational programs: the European Funds for Modern Economy for 2021-2027, the European Funds for Social Development for 2021-2027, the Smart Growth Operational Program for 2014-2020, and the Knowledge, Education, Development Operational Program for 2014-2020. The NCBR is a Beneficiary of the Digital Poland Operational Program (POPC).

baner funds

Funds for innovation

The tasks of the NCBR related to the European Funds include, above all, the obligation to efficiently pay and settle grants granted for innovation, as well as to provide substantive support for beneficiaries and grantees implementing projects from EU funds. Through its activities, the NCBR connects the business and science communities, which translates into an increase in innovation of the entire economy.

The Program of the European Funds for Modern Economy for 2021-2027 is a continuation of two previous programs: the “Innovative Economy” Operational Program or 2007-2013 and the “Smart Growth” Operational Program for 2014-2020.

We set the following goals for the Program:

  • enhancing research and innovation capacities and the use of advanced technologies;
  • increasing competitiveness of SMEs;
  • developing skills for smart specialization, industrial transformation and entrepreneurship;
  • transformation of the economy towards Industry 4.0 and green technologies.

The European Funds for Modern Economy will support the implementation of projects involving R&D, innovation and improvement of competitiveness of the Polish economy. The program will be offered to entrepreneurs, institutions from the science sector, consortia of enterprises and business environment institutions. In particular, innovation centers will be able to benefit from the program.

The European Funds for Social Development for 2021-2027 is the successor of the “Knowledge, Education, Development” Operational Program, which is the next stage for further social and economic development of the country.

The European Funds for Social Development program will support, among others, improving the situation of people in the labor market, increasing accessibility for people with special needs, providing childcare, improving the quality of education and competence development, social inclusion, development of social services and the social economy, and health care.

The “Smart Growth” Operational Program for 2014-2020 is a grant program for R&D and for financing innovation. Thanks to it, co-financing for joint R&D projects is obtained by scientists and entrepreneurs, and the results of R&D work are practically applied in the economy. „From idea to industry” – this is the main idea of this program. It means supporting the emergence of innovations: from the creation of concepts of innovative products, services or technologies, through the preparation of prototypes / pilot lines to their commercialization.

In turn, the aim of the “Knowledge, Education, Development” Operational Program for 2014-2020 is to improve public policies and activities for the labor market, education and the entire economy. EU grants allow to strengthen development-oriented higher education, promote social innovation and transnational cooperation.

The last of the projects, the “Digital Poland” Operational Program, is designed to widen accessibility of Internet, promote citizen-friendly e-administration for easier handling many matters online, and to disseminate of knowledge and skills in the use of computers in society. As part of the “Digital Poland” Operational Program, the NCBR implements the “e-Pioneer” project – support for talented software developers to solve identified social or economic problems.

The programs are implemented by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund.

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