Successes of beneficiaries
R&D work aimed at developing an innovative hardware-based online encryptor, a mobile cryptographic solution providing high cryptographic security strength and resistance to network attacks, along with a system for remote monitoring and remote configuration of the entire cryptographic system
Assessing the quality of bees based on wing asymmetry and size
Light Armoured Reconnaissance Carrier
Sustainable technology for the staged recovery of an agricultural water from high moisture fermentation products
Construction of a single-family residential building as part of energy- and process-efficient construction
A new approach in the identification of microorganisms in environmental and clinical matrices for routine microbiology laboratories
Creation of the first industrial X-ray machine using direct conversion technology – dedicated to quality control in the food industry
BoltSense – Innovative fasteners for load measurement
SMART-G Smart Geopolymers
Functional and recycled coated paper packaging for food products