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National Contact Point

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National Contact Point for Horizon Europe (NCP Department) supports the participation of Polish research organisations, enterprizes ans other institutions in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HE; 2021-27).

The NCP Department widespreads information about announced calls for proposals within Horizon Europe programme, organizes Info Days, seminars, conferences, prepares statistics, publications, all kinds of documents and opinions regarding HE.

We propose preliminary as well as advanced consultations, assistance at the preparatory stage and support at every stage of the project.

A large group of high-class experts are ready to guide (free of charge) Polish organisations throughout processes such as consortium-building, negociations, lobbying, project coordination or financial reporting. We explain problematic legal issues, intellectual property rights etc.

Our experts are oficially nominated by the European Commission and hold the function of „National Contact Point” in the indicated field which means that their crucial task is to assist Polish units on their way to participation in the HE. On the other hand, they benefit from direct access to the information and trainings delivered by the European Commission and are actively involved in the preparative works of every initiative within Horizon Europe.

Being now part of the National Centre for Research and Development, we contribute to so-called programming works of the European Funds for R&D for the EU new financial perspective 2021-27. We also focuse on boosting synergies between HE’s instruments and grants awarded by the Polish funding agencies.

NCP Department is complemented by 6 Horizontal Contact Points located in the biggest academic centers in Poland (Gdańsk, Gliwice, Kraków, Lublin, Łódź, Poznań) – appointed, financed and coordinated by NCP NCBR since February 2022.

NCP activities
  • informing about competitions, organizing information days, seminars, conferences,
  • preparation of publications and newsletters, disseminating information through a dedicated website,
  • consulting services, direct advice on the preparation of propopsals and mentoring, incl. in relation to legal, financial, intellectual property, etc.

The task of operating the National Contact Point for the Horizon Europe programme was commissioned to the NCBR by the Minister of Science and Higher Education. On November 1, 2020, the National Contact Point at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences was transferred to the NCBR.

Based on the many years of experience of NCP experts in the implementation of the previous EU Framework Programmes and in connection with the commencement of a new programme Horizon Europe, we have prepared a comprehensive, diversified and flexible support offer for Polish applicants. Our goal is to boost the participation of Polish entities in the Horizon Europe programme through organisational, legal & financial advice, training, workshops and effective communication.


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