Steering Committee
Members of the Steering Committee for R&D programmes in the field of national security and defense:
- gen. bryg. Marcin Górka
- Renata Leoniak
- płk dr Robert Lach
- płk rezerwy mgr inż. Marek Małkowski
- prof. dr hab. inż. Waldemar Kamrat
- Rafał Magryś
Tasks of the Steering Committee:
- Preparing and submitting for approval by the Minister projects of strategic scientific research and development programs, within the scope of which scientific research or development works are conducted, mentioned in art. 2 point 5 of the act dated 30 April 2010 Act on financing the science, hereinafter referred to as “scientific research or development works”;
- determining the subject scope of scientific research or development works for the purposes of state defense and security;
- coordinating completion of scientific research or development works for the purposes of state defense and security within the scope of strategic programs for scientific research or development works, or other tasks of the Centre;
- providing opinions on periodical reports and the final report from completion of strategic programs of scientific research and development within the scope of which scientific research or development works are conducted for the purposes of state defense and security;
- preparing proposals for allocation of financial means mentioned in art. 5 point 2 of the act dated 30 April 2010 Act on financing the science;
- announcing competitions for development of projects in the scope of scientific research or development for the purposes of defense and state security;
- determining and announcing regulations of the competitions mentioned in point 6;
- appointing experts or expert teams to evaluate applications submitted in the competitions mentioned in point 6;
- compiling and submitting ranking lists of applications to the Director which were submitted in the competitions mentioned in point 6 and which received positive opinions;
- considering appeals mentioned in art. 40 section 2;
- final content-related evaluation of the projects mentioned in point 6.