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The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) is an executive agency.

The Centre is an executive agency within the meaning of the Act of 27 August 2009 on Public Finance, operating on the basis of the Act of 30 April 2010 on the National Centre for Research and Development and the statute attached to the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 9 September 2010 on the statute of the National Centre for Research and Development. The functioning of the National Centre for Research and Development also regulates a number of executive and legal acts related to the implementation of programmes financed from European financial instruments.

On the left side there is a document icon, on the right side there is an icon representing a conversation  NCBR’s motto 

The future is happening with us.  

an icon presenting the top three outlines of a human being. Above their heads, the document's logo  NCBR's mission

We create the world of Polish innovation. We are building modern present times and future.

blue head and light bulb icon symbolizing an idea  NCBR's vision

NCBR is a centre for supporting and developing innovative technological and social solutions, creating an ecosystem of knowledge of, and information about, innovation. It organises and implements undertakings contributing to the civilization growth of the country.  

Blue diamond icon  NCBR’s values

  • Cooperation
  • Client-centred approach
  • Trust 
  • Engagement
  • Development


Struktura NCBR - english
Struktura​_NCBR​_-​_english.png 0.32MB