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Virtual Expert

How to get funding for your idea? What competitions does the NCBR offer? Where to find information? These are just a few of the questions that will be answered by the NCBR’s Virtual Expert.

NCBR Virtual Expert

Thanks to AI algorithms, we present our Virtual Experts who will introduce you to the world of the NCBR.
The library of videos with the participation of Virtual Experts will continue to grow, so we encourage you to follow our YouTube channel and monitor the “Virtual Expert” tab.

Who we are?

The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) is an executive agency.

The Centre is an executive agency within the meaning of the Act of 27 August 2009 on Public Finance, operating on the basis of the Act of 30 April 2010 on the National Centre for Research and Development and the statute attached to the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 9 September 2010 on the statute of the National Centre for Research and Development. The functioning of the National Centre for Research and Development also regulates a number of executive and legal acts related to the implementation of programmes financed from European financial instruments.



In this video you will find rules of the government program NUTRITECH - nutrition in the light of the challenges of improving the well-being of society and climate change. The specific objectives of the program are: Implementation of developed solutions (pro-health products, nutritional plans, processes, technologies and accompanying services) reducing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases (including diet-related diseases). Implementation of developed solutions (personalized diet, pro-health products, supporting tool, services) addressed to people suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases. Implementation of the principles of sustainable development through technological solutions in the production and distribution of pro-health food.



In this video you will find rules of the Government Strategic Program Hydrostrateg "Innovations for water management and inland navigation". The specific objectives of the program are: Increase of retention and improvement of water quality (using the principles of sustainable development and sustainable water and sewage management). Implementation of new research methods, observations and tools supporting the monitoring and assessment of the condition of aquatic ecosystems and water-dependent ecosystems. Increasing the use of waterways for inland navigation with the existing resources.


the LEADER program

In this video you will find rules of the program called - Lider XIII competition. The aim of the program is to expand the competences of young scientists in independent planning of research works and managing their own research team during the implementation of research projects, the results of which may be applicable in practice and have implementation potential.


NEON - the R&D activities of the Polish refining and petrochemical industry

In this video you will find rules of the first competition of the program under the name - Joint Venture of NCBR and PKN ORLEN consisting in supporting scientific research and development works for the refining and petrochemical industry.

 Kadr z filmu

RID - innovations in the field of road construction

In this video you will find rules of the program under the name - Joint Undertaking NCBR - GDDKiA consisting in supporting scientific research or development works in the field of road construction called Development of Road Innovation - RID, competition II. The main goal of the NCBR-GDDKiA Joint Undertaking is to improve the efficiency of management of the planned, prepared, implemented and existing road network in Poland by 2030.


BRIK - innovation and competitiveness of rail transport by 2033

In this video you will find rules of the program called – NCBR Joint Venture - PKP PLK S.A. consisting in supporting scientific research and development works in the area of railway infrastructure called Research and Development in Railway Infrastructure - BRIK, competition II. The specific objectives of the program are to increase the innovation and competitiveness of rail transport by 2033.

 Kadr z filmu Zasady oceny wniosków


In this video you will find rules of the program called - 4th INFOSTRATEG competition for thematic projects. Program has been prepared to support the development of Polish artificial intelligence (AI) potential by developing solutions using artificial intelligence and blockchain, with direct application in practice.

 Kadr z filmu Nutritech


In this video you will find principles of the program called - Strategic Program for Scientific Research and Development Works "Social and economic development of Poland in the conditions of globalizing markets" - GOSPOSTRATEG IX. The main objective of the GOSPOSTRATEG Program is to increase the use, by 2028, of the results of socio-economic research in shaping national and regional development policies.

 Kadr z filmu Nutritech

New technologies in the field of energy

In this video you will find rules of the program called New technologies in the field of energy. The specific objectives of the Program, which include the thematic scope of the competition, are: C1 increasing the potential of the renewable energy industry (including prosumer); C2 development of intelligent network infrastructure (energy); C3 lowering the emissions of the energy sector by increasing the use of biodegradable raw materials and waste products.



In this video you will find rules of the government program NUTRITECH - nutrition in the light of the challenges of improving the well-being of society and climate change. The specific objectives of the program are: Implementation of developed solutions (pro-health products, nutritional plans, processes, technologies and accompanying services) reducing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases (including diet-related diseases). Implementation of developed solutions (personalized diet, pro-health products, supporting tool, services) addressed to people suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases. Implementation of the principles of sustainable development through technological solutions in the production and distribution of pro-health food.




In this video you will find rules of the Government Strategic Program Hydrostrateg "Innovations for water management and inland navigation". The specific objectives of the program are: Increase of retention and improvement of water quality (using the principles of sustainable development and sustainable water and sewage management). Implementation of new research methods, observations and tools supporting the monitoring and assessment of the condition of aquatic ecosystems and water-dependent ecosystems. Increasing the use of waterways for inland navigation with the existing resources.



the LEADER program

In this video you will find rules of the program called - Lider XIII competition. The aim of the program is to expand the competences of young scientists in independent planning of research works and managing their own research team during the implementation of research projects, the results of which may be applicable in practice and have implementation potential.



NEON - the R&D activities of the Polish refining and petrochemical industry

In this video you will find rules of the first competition of the program under the name - Joint Venture of NCBR and PKN ORLEN consisting in supporting scientific research and development works for the refining and petrochemical industry.



Kadr z filmu

RID - innovations in the field of road construction

In this video you will find rules of the program under the name - Joint Undertaking NCBR - GDDKiA consisting in supporting scientific research or development works in the field of road construction called Development of Road Innovation - RID, competition II. The main goal of the NCBR-GDDKiA Joint Undertaking is to improve the efficiency of management of the planned, prepared, implemented and existing road network in Poland by 2030.



BRIK - innovation and competitiveness of rail transport by 2033

In this video you will find rules of the program called – NCBR Joint Venture - PKP PLK S.A. consisting in supporting scientific research and development works in the area of railway infrastructure called Research and Development in Railway Infrastructure - BRIK, competition II. The specific objectives of the program are to increase the innovation and competitiveness of rail transport by 2033.



Kadr z filmu Zasady oceny wniosków


In this video you will find rules of the program called - 4th INFOSTRATEG competition for thematic projects. Program has been prepared to support the development of Polish artificial intelligence (AI) potential by developing solutions using artificial intelligence and blockchain, with direct application in practice.



Kadr z filmu Nutritech


In this video you will find principles of the program called - Strategic Program for Scientific Research and Development Works "Social and economic development of Poland in the conditions of globalizing markets" - GOSPOSTRATEG IX. The main objective of the GOSPOSTRATEG Program is to increase the use, by 2028, of the results of socio-economic research in shaping national and regional development policies.



Kadr z filmu Nutritech

New technologies in the field of energy

In this video you will find rules of the program called New technologies in the field of energy. The specific objectives of the Program, which include the thematic scope of the competition, are: C1 increasing the potential of the renewable energy industry (including prosumer); C2 development of intelligent network infrastructure (energy); C3 lowering the emissions of the energy sector by increasing the use of biodegradable raw materials and waste products.