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Code of Ethics of the NCBR


This Code contains principles and ethical values which unite our staff members and provide them with guidelines to follow. According to the recommended principles and values, the Code defines standards of conduct which arise from the sense of responsibility towards Beneficiaries and Partners of the Centre.

The Code is important for the development of the Centre as a trustworthy institution which constantly improves the way it performs its tasks. The Code supports the staff and management of the Centre in fulfilling their professional duties properly, including building professional relationships with the Beneficiaries and Partners of the Centre. Transparency plays a special role when dealing with public funds, which is a condition for an effective fulfillment of the Centre’s mission. The Code also indicates principles which should be compulsory in relationships with external Partners, as well as between the Centre’s staff and management. Such relationships should be based on respecting rights, honesty, impartiality and kindness.

Staff and management of the Centre accept the values and conduct principles set forth in the Code and commit themselves to follow them in their everyday work. They also acknowledge that any dishonest, unethical or illegal conduct will constitute an infringement of the Code, regardless of whether a given act is expressly referred to in the Code. The management of the Centre requires conduct in accordance with the spirit of the Code from the staff of the Centre as well as from itself. The management makes every effort to create mechanisms which make it easier to follow the Code.

Our mission

Supporting Polish research units and companies in developing their ability to create and use solutions based on scientific research results in order to stimulate the economic growth and to the benefit of the society.

The aforementioned mission is fulfilled by initiating and funding programs focused on scientific and technical development which:

  • intensify the cooperation between Polish economy and science;
  • make it easier for Polish scientists to be granted funds under international programs for their research work;
  • support talents and make full use of the potential offered by young scientists;
  • support the commercialization of research results and other forms of their transfer to economy;
  • popularize Polish scientific achievements for their adaptation in fields which are essential in terms of the societal needs;
  • strengthen the foundation of innovative economy.
Our principles and values

Principle of efficiency

We are aware of the superior purpose of our work which – in accordance with the mission of the Centre – serves  the common good. We actively cooperate with the scientific and business community in order to implement the Centre’s programs in an effective way,  thus responding to the basic needs of society.

Principle of law-abidingness

We perform our tasks in compliance with legal regulations in force and strive for the economical use of public funds.

Principle of professionalism

Our duties are carried out with utmost care and while performing them, we use our knowledge and skills in the best possible way. We are constantly improving our qualifications. We are ready to benefit from the knowledge of others as well as to share our knowledge with them. We confess to mistakes we make and do our best to remedy them.

Principle of transparency

All activities of the Centre are carried out in a transparent way and we assure the protection of non-public information. We enable Beneficiaries to have equal access to information essential for applying for funds and proper performance of projects. Decisions related to project funding are made according to transparent principles and  publicized. Information which constitutes a secret of our Beneficiaries is considered confidential.

Principle of responsibility  

We take full responsibility for our activities and decisions. We feel jointly responsible for the success of projects funded by the Centre. We support our Beneficiaries in solving current problems which accompany the execution of their projects. As a workplace, the Centre is our common property which we take care of and for which we feel responsible. We respect the possessions and reputation of the Centre.

Principle of impartiality

We do not bow to pressure breeching the principle of efficiency, law-abidingness or professionalism and we treat all our Beneficiaries equally. We follow procedures whose aim is to counteract conflicts of interest, we accept neither financial benefits nor personal benefits from our Beneficiaries in connection with tasks being performed and we remain impartial while carrying out our duties. Impartiality is also characteristic for our activities in the field of personnel management and professional development, where the most important advice for us is the need for development of abilities and competencies, as well as for a highly qualified staff.  

Principle of friendly working environment

In the Centre we follow employment rights and equal opportunity employment policy.
The Management Board of the Centre and managers provide the staff with safe and friendly working conditions, assure fair assessment of their activities as well as transparent remuneration rules. They create equal chances for professional development by promoting high quality of work and providing employees with tasks adapted to their professional skills. As employees of the Centre, we strive to follow the principles of  social co-existence and good customs.

Principle of co-operation

In internal and external relationships we are guided by respect, understanding and kindness. While carrying out our duties, we are ready to collaborate and open towards others. If any conflict situations occur, we make every effort to reach an agreement and respect everybody’s right to express their own opinion.

Principle of striving for the development of organization

We strive for the improvement of the Centre: we want modern solutions, efficient systems and procedures, efficient communication and reduction of bureaucracy. We develop our knowledge and our skills in order to be able to perform our tasks better and better.


This Code of Ethics does not replace general regulations or rights in force. It is a guideline which provides standards of conduct and it integrates the staff and management of the Centre. It provides advice and help in case of ethics-related conflicts or doubts.

The Code should also make it easier for employees to reflect on and answer questions like „How should I behave to act accordingly with the commonly shared values and the mission of the Centre?”. We must not forget, however, about regulations specific for different kind of tasks. In such cases, the principles of this Code should apply along with  regulations specific for duties to be carried out.

The Code is a document open to suggestions from us all. It can be updated depending on the needs and changes which occur in the Centre and its surroundings.