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Advanced technologies supporting flood risk prevention

SAFEDAM allows, by operating from the air, to analyse the condition of each square metre of the shaft!

SAFEDAM - mobile station - real-time view of the maneuver site from the camera installed on the drone during the "Wave 2018" firefighting maneuvers.

square with Tentacles  Project title

Advanced technologies supporting flood risk prevention

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

  • Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography - consortium leader
  • Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute
  • Astri Polska Sp. z o.o.
  • MSP INNTECH Sp. z o.o.
  • Central School of the State Fire Service in Częstochowa

briefcase icon  Name of programme


newspaper icon  Competition

Competition for the implementation of projects in the area of scientific research and development work for national defence and security

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 8,586,515.00

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 8,448,215.00

clock icon  Project delivery period

From 22/12/2015 to 21/05/2020.

View the results of our work

Presentation of the prevention platform
Presentation of the prevention platform


NEO3 unmanned Preventive Platform on the launch pad
NEO3 unmanned Preventive Platform on the launch pad


SAFEDAM - mobile stand - a real-time preview of the manoeuvre site from a camera installed on a drone during the “Fala 2018” fire fighting manoeuvres
SAFEDAM - mobile stand - a real-time preview of the manoeuvre site from a camera installed on a drone during the “Fala 2018” fire fighting manoeuvres


Training of the representatives of the State Fire Service. CS PSP Częstochowa.
Training of the representatives of the State Fire Service. CS PSP Częstochowa


Raising the flood bank - real-time monitoring of the action from a camera installed on a drone during the fire fighting manoeuvres “Fala 2018”
Raising the flood bank - real-time monitoring of the action from a camera installed on a drone during the fire fighting manoeuvres “Fala 2018”


Action command post on the flood bank. On the monitor, a real-time overview of the situation from the drone
Action command post on the flood bank. On the monitor, a real-time overview of the situation from the drone


Will drones and satellites help fight the effects of flooding?

SAFEDAM project - field exercises in Sandomierz district

Fala 2018

More about SAFEDAM

What problem is addressed by the project? 

There are thousands of kilometres of flood defences in Poland. Classical monitoring of their condition consists of direct geodetic measurements every few hundred metres. Meanwhile, a thorough analysis of the state of flood defences can save the lives and property of thousands of people. SAFEDAM allows, by operating from the air, to analyse the condition of each square metre of the shaft!
Spatial information and data for precise analysis of the state of flood defences are the basis of safety. Our system is revolutionising the monitoring of dikes and the coordination of rescue operations should a flood occur. 
Let us explain this in more detail. The SAFEDAM project consists of preparing a system for monitoring dikes flood protection many times more detailed than in previous practice. Unmanned flying systems and aerial and satellite data are used for monitoring. Sensitive parts of embankments can be measured with an accuracy of up to several centimetres by using a laser scanner and photogrammetric data. The 3D data obtained in this way is automatically analysed under the supervision of the hydrological services and is used to create visualisations for the services of the National Fire Service and emergency management specialists. We can provide them with precise information on the state of individual pieces of security, in line with the idea that it is always best to prevent possible unfortunate events. 
SAFEDAM has two configurations: prevention, i.e. acquiring data to enable continuous monitoring of flood defences, and intervention, i.e. supporting services in emergencies and during floods. The above allows the services to pinpoint where the likelihood of deterioration and danger is greatest - i.e. where intervention, both protection and rescue, is or will be needed. 

Who uses the project results? 

In developing our IT solutions, we have listened to the voices of practitioners involved in dike management, surveying and rescue. We are convinced that our project will be a breakthrough and will be used by PSP services and, if there is interest, even by local governments and crisis management units throughout Poland.
The geo-participation module, i.e. involving the public in flood protection, will play a large part in the system by integrating people’s mobile devices to send reports on the state of the flood banks in the country. Much more information will be able to be collected in the system. Once a flood has occurred, our system helps the services coordinate the action by showing them where the risk of a breach is greatest.

What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?

The biggest challenge in the project was meeting the requirements of the many end users - the custodians of the solution under development. Their competencies and needs were so different that we decided to create de facto two integrated system configurations with different functionalities but still integrated with each other. The development of the concept of such an interlinked module was no less a challenge than organising our own or joining the field exercises of the State Fire Service, which involved hundreds of firefighters whose work we could monitor.

Our advice for other applicants

Do not be afraid to create bold visions of innovative solutions that can receive funding from individuals in Poland.

