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As part of the Project a new model of outpatient telecare with elements of home telemonitoring of patients with heart failure was developed and evaluated

Pictures from the use of the Amulet apparatus

square with Tentacles  Project title

A new model of medical care utilising modern methods for non-invasive clinical assessment and telemedicine in patients with heart failure (AMULET)

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Military Institute of Medicine – Consortium leader
Consortium members:

  • Military University of Technology,
  • Wroclaw Medical University,
  • Medical University of Gdańsk,
  • 4th Military Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic SP ZOZ,
  • Infoscan joint-stock company (until 2019),
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Medical Technology and Equipment ITAM (from 2020),
  • CasusBTL Group limited liability company (from 2020)

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Strategic Programmes

newspaper icon  Competition


two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 12 582 626.92

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 12 289 980.92

clock icon  Project delivery period

From 1 May 2017 till 31 October 2021

Meet our team

The project was carried out by the Scientific Consortium composed of the Teams

View the results of our work

Pictures from the use of the Amulet apparatus



The effects of the Project, including multimedia materials, publications and a freely available monograph, have been presented on the website:

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and during the conference, from which selected materials are available on the website:

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The AMULET project won two prestigious awards in the 4th Start-Up_Med Competition: Medical/Scientific Centre category and in an online vote by readers of the Rynek Zdrowia (Health Market) portal.

What problem is addressed by the project? 

As part of the Project a new model of outpatient telecare with elements of home telemonitoring of patients with heart failure was developed and evaluated.
The developed solution will enable individualized monitoring of a patient, coordination of the treatment process and teleconsultations. A comprehensive model of telecare, unique on a global scale, has been created. It enables optimal management of personnel resources, improves access to specialist supervision and ensures higher quality of care. The clinical trial proved the effectiveness in the most important clinical aspect - prognosis of a better outcome by reducing the number of hospitalizations resulting from the flare-up of disease symptoms, by 38%. The possibility of home care with monitoring of hemodynamic parameters and clinical symptoms increases the chances for early identification of deterioration in the patient's condition and immediate therapeutic intervention.
The solution may bring benefits to over one million Poles with heart failure

Who uses the project results? 

The AMULET model is an organizational and technological innovation that improves the functioning of the health care system in the area of ambulatory care for patients with heart failure by facilitating access to high-quality care. This solution is in line with the latest trends - it promotes the use of telemedicine and the competence of nursing staff. In Poland, hundreds of thousands of patients with heart failure may benefit from the AMULET model, and preventing unplanned hospitalizations in this group of patients will bring positive clinical, social and economic effects. The preliminary assessment also indicates its cost-effectiveness. The model is universal and can be implemented, for example, in primary health care and other medical specialties. 

What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?

The implementation of the project required work coordination of interdisciplinary teams, in the area of medical and technological research, as well as administrative and promotional activities. The interdependence and interpenetration of project tasks forced the necessity of rigorous enforcement of their implementation in accordance with the schedule, and urgent neutralization of emerging project risks. The conduct of a clinical research using a randomized, prospective and controlled trial within a limited period was possible thanks to the above-average involvement of medical teams. The project was partially carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic, which also significantly influenced many aspects of its implementation. 
