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Annual Report 2019

2019 was a record-breaking year when it comes to funds which the Centre spent on support for Polish businesspeople and innovators. They amounted to PLN 4.2 bn. Thanks to the money, a hundred novel and fascinating projects could be launched.

Two graphs in two different blue circles

Another year of the operation of the National Centre for Research and Development haspassed. It was a time of dynamic changes. Our relationships with applicants and beneficiaries were transforming. The challenging process of internal restructuring of the Centre began. We simultaneously carried out our core activities and modified NCBR's proposal so as to better respond to market needs. 2019 was the year of strengthening cooperation with applicants and beneficiaries. The previous ecosystem for supporting our partners was extended. Applicants and beneficiaries can now use such tools and solutions as the Innovation Assistant, the Budget Assistant and the Information Point, and participate in open meetings with our experts. The key to define this model of contacts is partnership.


Annual Report 2019
RR​_eng​_2019.pdf 5.41MB