The project is a response to the need for improving the quality of education at PhD studies, in particular concerning their interdisciplinarity. Institutions educating PhD students face the challenge of ensuring the best possible conditions for educating young researchers, not only in terms of infrastructure
Project title
“BioTechNan - Programme of Interdisciplinary Environmental Doctoral Studies KNOW in the area of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology”
Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries
Wrocław University of Science and Technology – Leader of the Project
Project partners:
- Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- University of Wrocław
- Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Name of programme
Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies Programmes
Project value
PLN 3 948 852.75
Funding value
Project delivery period
1 April 2018 – 30 September 2023
Meet our team
Professor Jarosław Myśliwiec, PhD, DSc – Project Manager
View the results of our work
What problem is addressed by the project?
The project is a response to the need for improving the quality of education at PhD studies, in particular concerning their interdisciplinarity. Institutions educating PhD students face the challenge of ensuring the best possible conditions for educating young researchers, not only in terms of infrastructure. Close cooperation between universities, research institutes and laboratories is needed so as to enable the development of contacts between research teams of individual units. It becomes of key importance Supporting the mobility of PhD students, their independence in choosing their education path and in conducting research is of vital importance. Only high-quality PhD studies and appropriate support instruments, including financial ones, will make talented young researchers decide to undertake PhD studies and devote themselves to scientific work.
The project is implemented by a partnership of leading Wrocław research institutes: Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Project Leader), Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Wrocław and Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The idea of interdisciplinarity, so desired in the education of PhD students, has been included in the developed programme of new interdisciplinary environmental PhD studies in the area of biotechnology and nanotechnology. The basis of the programme is made of courses that integrate modern knowledge and skills from various disciplines. In addition, PhD students can use the offer of classes provided by partner units. Their progress is constantly supervised by two tutors representing various scientific disciplines.
The participants were also provided with direct support. Young researchers were awarded an additional scholarship. The funds are disbursed throughout the entire period of PhD studies, which guarantees the continuity of the work carried out, but is also of substantial importance in motivating the participants. On the other hand, financing PhD students' travels abroad is a response to the challenge of ensuring mobility and internationalization of PhD studies.
Who uses the project results?
The project is a chance for the development of young scientific staff - participants of interdisciplinary environmental PhD studies conducted within the project. PhD students are educated in accordance with the new study programme, which enables them to expand their knowledge of other scientific disciplines and thus develop their research workshop. Scholarship support helps in the implementation of research aimed at preparing a PhD dissertation. Thanks to trips to foreign internships, young scientists will be able to establish valuable contacts and learn about the specifics of work in an international environment.
The project will also bring long-term effects. It will strengthen cooperation between universities forming the partnership and will constitute the foundations for the implementation of subsequent undertakings. The new interdisciplinary courses developed for the project will remain in the PhD study programmes. Future PhD students will benefit from them. Established contacts with domestic and foreign universities will help participants at further stages of their scientific careers.
What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?
The biggest challenge is still in front of the project implementers and participants. It is the achievement of an indicator in the number of PhD graduates. Contrary to appearances, this is not an easy task, because the percentage of people who manage to obtain PhD degree over four-year studies is still relatively low. Especially since the PhD students participating in the project are constantly facing the effort of conducting interdisciplinary research that requires extensive knowledge and skills. Moreover, during the pandemic and related restrictions, the participants had to make every effort to continue work as planned. However, they were able to quickly adapt to new conditions and not lose their motivation, which was so important in conducting independent research. We hope that the participants will not lose their determination and enthusiasm, and the crowning of their efforts will be obtaining a PhD degree before the end of the project.
Our advice for other applicants
During the implementation of the project, especially the long-term one, there are always unexpected events and problems, unforeseen at the stage of preparing the application for co-financing. It is worth including in the assumptions of the project some flexibility in the implementation of individual tasks. This will ensure that even in a dynamically changing reality, the goal of the project will remain valid, and its implementation justified.
It should also be remembered that the success of the project is achieved by its participants. It is important that the activities undertaken in the project are in line with the guidelines and the project concept, but also respond to the needs reported by participants on an ongoing basis. Their conviction that it was worth taking up the challenge and joining the project is the source of their greatest satisfaction.