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Catechist - a classy person. Curriculum for innovative pedagogical preparation for teaching religion


square with tentacles  Project title

Catechist - a classy person. Curriculum for innovative pedagogical preparation for teaching religion

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie (The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Smart Growth

newspaper icon  Competition

Competencies in higher education

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 253 793.51

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 246 098.51

clock icon  Project delivery period

from 01/08/2019 until 31/10/2022

Get to know our team

Project manager Aneta Rayzacher-Majewska, PhD as tutor with the participant Paulina


‘Workshops for 5’ - Sister Kinga Skórska, Society of the Catholic Apostolate, Anna Kędziora and Sister Monika Jagiełło, Society of the Catholic Apostolate - did a great job recording a series of training sessions for the participants


Have a look at the outcome of our work

Participants from the Higher Theological Seminary in Łomża analysed the multiple competences of a catechist


During individual meetings, the participants obtained answers to their questions, as did Brother Szymon from the Higher Theological Seminary of the Franciscan in Łódź


Remote learning did not prevent them from completing their tasks - it was treated as the application of knowledge in practice using modern technology


Remote learning did not prevent them from completing their tasks - it was treated as the application of knowledge in practice using modern technology


What problem does our project solve?

The project "Catechist - a classy person" solves the problem of pedagogical preparation for teaching religion, which in its previous form has not always equipped future religion teachers with skills and competencies useful in today's schools. Participants in the project - in line with the three important dimensions of formation: to be, to know, to be able to act - through individual meetings with a counsellor discovered their strengths and weaknesses relevant to the didactic process. They also went through a series of classes that expanded on the latest knowledge, and through additional practical activities and training, they developed their ability to work not only with students, but also with their parents and other school employees. Particularly valuable was the participation of alumni of higher theological seminaries who will be able to work at the school after graduation. It is this group of teachers that is sometimes stereotyped and accused of lacking adequate preparation. Participants in the project will be able to help dispel this stereotype.

Who will benefit from the outcomes of the project?

The results of the project 'Catechist - a classy person' will directly benefit graduates of theological studies who completed the curriculum of innovative pedagogical preparation for teaching religion. The innovation, which consists, among other things, in updating and enriching the study curriculum and, above all, personalising the training process, enabled the preparation of each participant in an individual way, based on their strengths. As teachers of religion, they will use the acquired knowledge, skills and competencies in their work at school, so that the results of the project will also indirectly benefit the students, their parents and other employees of the schools where the persons who participated in the project will be employed.

What was the most challenging aspect of the implementation of the project for us?

The greatest challenge during the implementation of the project was the restriction in the possibility of holding internships, due to restrictions in the operation of educational and childcare facilities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Another difficulty was a coordination of activities taking place in three establishments, which in times of the pandemic was somewhat facilitated by the use of modern technology. An independent reason that impeded the implementation of the project was a decreasing number of participants who, for reasons unrelated to the project, lost their student status or, for personal reasons, prolonged their studies, with the consequence that they left the project. This was all the more difficult as, according to the declarations of some of them, they were still interested in participating in the innovative pedagogical preparation for teaching religion.

Our advice to other Applicants

When designing activities, it is worth considering flexible enough implementation paths to allow, where possible, participants who, for example, due to difficulties in completing their basic course of study, are doing so in a different form than they had planned.
