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Clean Sea Academy

The "Clean Sea Academy" project is to raise awareness of the pollution of surface waters problem and create a sense of responsibility for their protection

Clean Sea Academy

square with Tentacles  Project title

Clean Sea Academy

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Gdynia Maritime University

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme

newspaper icon  Competition

Young Discoverer's University

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 478 844.37

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 464 028.37

clock icon  Project delivery period

from 1 August 2018 till 29 October 2020

View the results of our work

The effects of our work are documented on the following website:

Chronicle of the Clean Sea Academy Project

What problem is addressed by the project? 

The "Clean Sea Academy" project is to raise awareness of the pollution of surface waters problem and create a sense of responsibility for their protection. The Baltic Sea, being a shallow and largely closed sea area, is an ecosystem particularly sensitive to pollution. Thus, it requires considerable care on the part of the inhabitants of the region to maintain its cleanliness. The most important aspect of the project is making the recipients aware of the existing perils to the Baltic Sea, resulting from human activities. For this reason, the topic of waste segregation "at source" has been also considered. The project is to make participants aware that waste significantly affects the condition of both beaches and waters of the Baltic Sea. The project was constructed in such a way that the knowledge conveyed by the lecturers be consolidated through play (exercises using didactic games, quizzes, "brainstorming"), experiments performed by the participants themselves in the laboratory and thematic field classes illustrating the implementation of the discussed topic in practice. Project activities enable the development of mathematics and science competencies, creativity, problem formulation and solving as well as teamwork skills. Due to the fact that the aspect of waste segregation has a social dimension and is learned primarily in the home environment, the project also includes the question of popularization of the subject of correct waste segregation "at the source" among parents of pupils who participate in the project.

Who uses the project results? 

PUPILS.  The "Clean Sea Academy" project was aimed at primary school pupils living in the seaside region. Its curriculum principles can, however, be implemented nationwide since the issues of surface water protection are discussed in schools throughout the country. In addition, contact, both with the academic community and with industry specialists, develops in children an innovative approach to problem solving also in other areas.
TEACHERS. The activities developed by specialists go far beyond the curriculum material and may constitute the basis for updating the material contained in school textbooks.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS. Making children and their parents aware about the impact of waste on the environment increases their acceptance of and compliance with new, increasingly restrictive principles of waste segregation. Participation in the project may also have a positive impact on the growth of social initiatives related to environmental protection.

What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?

The challenge we faced was to develop issues at the academic level in a form that is understandable and attractive to school pupils. It was important for us to properly combine the elements of fun and learning. Due to the fact that one of our assumptions was to enable participation of people with disabilities, the proper preparation of laboratory arrangements was also a challenge. However, the challenge that had to be faced without prior preparation related to the limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We had to redraft all the classes so that even under these conditions our participants could access them remotely.

Our advice for other applicants

First of all - it is worth taking part in such endeavours. The satisfaction from the implementation of the project was undoubtedly as great on the part of the lecturers as on the part of and participants. 
It is worth getting involved in your circles, regardless of projects, it greatly facilitates the ascertainment of needs, topics and the effective recruitment of participants.
We also recommend close cooperation with project coordinators and supervisors from the Intermediate Body (in our project – The National Centre for Research and Development) - it is better to ask twice than to prepare the documentation incorrectly.
