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Competences for Business Service Centres

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square with tentacles  Project title

Competences for Business Service Centres

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

newspaper icon  Competition

Course at MOOC

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 432,591.25

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 419,613.10

clock icon  Project delivery period

from 02.09.2019 to 30.11.2021

Meet our team

Renata Krajewska, PhD – author of an e-learning course titled: Logistics Services in Business Centres

Dr Renata Krajewska

Renata Krajewska, PhD – a graduate of the Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, MA in Economics. She defended her doctoral thesis titled: ‘The logistics chain in a situation of loss of fuel supply in a thermal power plant’ at the Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering of the Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom. She is a research and teaching employee, employed as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering of the Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom.

In her academic work, she addresses issues related to strategic and marketing management of companies operating in the TSL and tourism sectors, as well as logistics management with a specific focus on supply chain design.

She teaches in the following areas: marketing in the transport and tourism services industry, market and marketing research, marketing and logistics strategies, TSL services market, quality and standardisation of services, tourism economy, organisation and management, logistics. She is the promoter of over a dozen engineering, undergraduate and master’s theses. 

She has authored or co-authored dozens of scientific and teaching publications on the following topics: transport, logistics and marketing.


Ewa Ferensztajn-Galardos, PhD – author of an e-learning course titled: Design Thinking as a Concept of Stimulating Innovation

Dr Ewa Ferensztajn - Galardos

Ewa Ferensztajn-Galardos, PhD a graduate of Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, she completed her doctoral studies at the Warsaw School of Economics – at the College of Management and Finance and is currently employed as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Transport, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom.

She completed a specialist training course ‘PROJECT MANAGER,’ the scope of which focused on project preparation – planning and management of projects in accordance with the PCM method, as well as post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw in the following areas: ‘Evaluation and Management of Projects Co-Financed Under the European Union.’

Her research interests focus on the issues of sustainable and balanced development taking into account economic efficiency, ecological rationality and social legitimacy, as well as on issues concerning the sphere of organisation and financing in relation to the essence of activity-based budgeting as a reorientation from spending to management and entrepreneurship analysed in the context of support instruments and conditions.

She teaches in the following areas: finance of transport and tourism enterprises, tourism economy, organisation and management, economic and legal foundations of entrepreneurship. She is the promoter of over a dozen engineering, bachelor’s and master’s theses.She is the author of numerous scientific articles on the efficiency of transport systems, concepts of organisational and management solutions, and teaching publications on entrepreneurship.


Pawel Śwital, PhD – author of an e-learning course titled: Professional Management in Business Service Centres

Dr Paweł Śwital

Pawel Swital, PhD in legal sciences. He holds a postgraduate degree in human resources management. Research and teaching staff member, Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom.  He specialises academically in administrative law, computerisation of public entities, public management, local government law.

Author of numerous publications of a single scientific monograph and over 40 scientific articles and chapters in monographs. Awarded several times for scientific achievements. Editor or editorial member of scientific journals. He teaches administrative law, office automation tool, legal informatics, local government law. He finished specialist trainings in the scope of using statistical methods in social sciences, information technology, MS Office systems, management.

Trainer and lecturer in EU-funded projects in the fields of law, management, social communication. Author of expert reports and opinions on law, administrative legislation, children’s rights. Supervisor of projects such as the Academy of Public Consultation (Chancellery of the Prime Minister), legal education (Mazovian Self-Government Centre for Teacher Training). Coordinator of projects funded by e.g. the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Centre for Research and Development, e.g. the Czas na Dobry Staż project.

See the result of our work

Our work has resulted in three e-learning courses placed on the NAVOICA educational platform:

  1. Professional management in business service centres
  2. Logistical support in business centres
  3. Design thinking as a concept for stimulating innovation

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What problem does our project solve?

The primary aim of the project is to increase the skills and competences required by employers in modern business service centres with the use of techniques and methods for management and logistics and IT tools due to the participation in e-learning courses. The need for such courses has also been confirmed by the Service Department of the Radom Economic Zone, which is in constant direct contact with employers looking for employees and reports the need for them to supplement their knowledge of entrepreneurship and business services.

The course:

  1. Professional Management in Business Service Centres allows participants to acquire the additional knowledge and skills in management, law and the use of IT systems  required to enter into management and typically managerial positions in business service centres (enterprises). In addition, it allows to acquire skills in information technology, the use of electronic means of communication and communication techniques, which will make working in a team much simpler and more effective.
  2. The 'Logistics Services in Business Centres’, is going to allow the participants to gain the additional knowledge and skills required to work in relationship-intensive service companies, where knowledge of logistics processes, basic principles, trends and mechanisms of the e-economy will also be useful.
  3. The course Desing Thinking as a Concept for Stimulating Innovation, acquiring knowledge on methods for creating and implementing innovative solutions in the form of, among other things, new products, innovative technologies, services, strategies, processes, educational programmes and even business models. Regardless if we are active in business, industry, education, administration as well as the presentation of the Design Thinking method as one guaranteering original solutions backed up with examples of practical use of the gathered knowledge in professional practice.

Who is going to benefit from the project results?

The E-learning courses which result from the project are aimed at all persons who are interested in the topics covered and those who want to work in modern business service centres. The general trend among the youth, resulting from knowledge economy and as part of it – digital economy, is to share and willingly use e-services, also in the area of education.

This trend consists in the need of accessibility in place of the current need for ownership characteristic of the older generation. Hence, for young people, e-learning courses are an increasingly attractive form of acquiring knowledge, allowing them to meet the need for accessibility – the ability to learn anywhere and anytime also from mobile devices without incurring costs. The free e-learning courses offered with a certain minimum of commitment meet the expectations of the young Generation Y (also referred to as the selfie generation).

Which aspect of the project implementation have we found to be the most challenging?

The greatest challenge in implementing the project was adapting the content material to the technical requirements of the Navoica platform and converting the content (text) into a graphical presentation of it.

Our advice to other Applicants

Information overload in the society causes the youth to more easily ingest knowledge due to the good visualization of the presented content.

Visual stimuli are a phenomenal method for conveying information as our brains process them more quickly and easily. Therefore, in the case of created e-learning courses, we must strive to ensure that most of the content is presented in graphical form – diagrams, charts or overview videos. It is also important to show the practical applications of the presented methods, techniques, which will allow participants to realise the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.
