The project aimed to develop a system that predicts and detects threats in IT systems
Project title
Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries
Cybersecurity Studio Sp. z o.o.
Name of programme
Smart Growth Operational Programme
BRIdge Alfa
Project value
PLN 1,058,589.00
Funding value
PLN 846,876.00
Project delivery period
01 February 2020 – 30 November 2020
What problem is addressed by the project?
The project aimed to develop a system that predicts and detects threats in IT systems. CyberStudio is intended primarily for the SME sector. This is due to a high demand for cybersecurity systems, with small and medium-sized businesses usually lacking cybersecurity expertise.
Our main research & development work involved developing algorithms to consolidate the accident-risk level, consisting of the security level of infrastructural services in a given IT environment and cloud-based services.
These works led to a solution that is the virtual equivalent of a specialist responsible for monitoring IT systems security. CyberStudio will provide round-the-clock monitoring and identify potential vulnerabilities, along with the proposed corrective measures, and also give real-time information about the occurrence of other events suggesting a threat.
This is an IT security project that feeds into the Industry 4.0 area, an investment area of the Fund under the investment mandate.
Who uses the project results?
CyberStudio is addressed directly to individuals who manage organisations, as well as persons directly responsible for maintaining IT services. The system presents information from several perspectives and at different levels of detail.
The solution is addressed primarily to small and medium-sized businesses, which will use CyberStudio to considerably reduce the risk of financial and image-related losses due to effectively materialised cyberthreats, as well as to limit the consequences of regulations put in place to standardise the protection of information resources.
What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?
Our main challenge was to launch the project at the onset of the pandemic. We had to place a strong emphasis on team communication, switch to remote working, interdisciplinary team, etc.
Furthermore, this made it much more difficult to check the results with our customers and to implement proof-of-concept versions. There were two factors behind this:
- quarantine and home office
- crisis – a large portion of SMEs were struggling to survive
Nevertheless, with the number of attacks soaring during the pandemic, the demand for our product grew accordingly.
Our advice for other applicants
Each business should carry out its R&D and implement innovations to gain a market edge in the long term. Hence, it is worth looking for opportunities to cooperate with research establishments and to have scientists on the team, if only as advisers. We strongly recommend the website of NCBR, our YouTube channels and social media, which contain extensive training material on how to conduct R&D projects, prepare documentations, as well as instructions on how to write applications. MAKE SURE to read them before sending in your application:)