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Development and implementation of the production of non-alcoholic gruit beer


square with tentacles  Project title

Development and implementation of the production of non-alcoholic gruit beer

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Pro-Akademia Research and Innovation Center

Agro-Drink Witold Franczak

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Smart Growth Operational Program

newspaper icon  Competition

Application Projects

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 8,810,115.11

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 7,540,037.71

clock icon  Project delivery period

from October 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023

Get to know our team


The R&D team of the GRUIT project (from the upper left corner): M.Sc. Eng. Łukasz Gontar, PhD. Monika Sitarek-Andrzejczyk, PhD. Eng. Maria Buła, MSc.Eng. Mateusz Haładaj, M.A. Witold Franczak, M.Eng. Andżelika Drutowska, Ph.D. Eng. Maksymilian Kochański, M.A. Iwona Adamkiewicz, MSc.Eng. Justyna Markiewicz, DSc. Eng. Edyta Kordialik-Bogacka

See the effect of our work


The result of the project is an enriched food product, which is a nutritionally and sensory unique raw GRUIT non-alcoholic beer, produced using a new production technology, based on raw materials obtained from medicinal plants, without the use of hops.

GRUIT is characterized by completely new features compared to other non-alcoholic beers offered in Poland, including:

1) higher content of B vitamins thanks to the innovative production technology developed as part of the project;

2) unique sensory properties and taste

3) enrichment with additional adaptogenic raw materials obtained from medicinal plants that enhance the functioning of the human body.


In 2023, GRUIT was introduced to the market by an industrial consortium member.

As part of the Food & Retail Awards 2023 competition, organized by the publisher of the portals,,, GRUIT was recognized as the Most Innovative Product of 2023.

Our solution also received the Internet Users' Award for the winner selected by voting from the readers of the Food Portal.


What problem does our project solve?

The project contributed to better solving a number of problems, needs and gaps on the market, including:

1) Market problems: growing demand for non-alcoholic beers forces breweries to diversify and invest in new technologies. At the same time, the growing interest in organic and fortified food products poses challenges for producers related to certification, quality control and the development of new product lines to meet changing consumer preferences. According to Statista Market Insights 2023, the global non-alcoholic beer market was worth $17.7 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at an annual rate of 4.95% (CAGR 2023–2028). In turn, sales of organic food are growing by double digits annually, significantly exceeding the growth rate of the entire food market, which is associated with the growing interest in a healthy lifestyle. The product developed as part of the project made it possible to better meet this type of consumer needs.

2) Technological problems: the production of non-alcoholic beer requires controlling biological processes that are difficult to control and involve yeast. They concern, among others: potential production of undesirable flavors or chemical ingredients, especially ethyl alcohol. Another group of technological challenges is to ensure the storage stability of the product in an effective and energy-efficient manner, as well as the efficient extraction of the desired active compounds from raw materials obtained from medicinal plants. The production technology developed as part of the project effectively solved these types of problems.

Who will benefit from the project results?

The consortium member directly benefited from the project results: AgroDrink, which produces GRUIT in the craft brewery - Bóbr Limanowa.

GRUIT, as an innovative, health-promoting non-alcoholic and hop-free beer, has been warmly welcomed by consumers, especially young people, who are definitely moving away from alcoholic beer, replacing it with non-alcoholic beer with health-promoting properties.

The Polish food industry, including the brewing industry, will also benefit from the project results in the form of increased research capabilities of the Project Leader - Pro-Akademia Research and Innovation Center. As part of the project, the CBI Pro Akademia Brewery Workshop was created, equipped with, among other things, in a laboratory brewery with a capacity of 1 hl. The studio offers, among other things: prototyping new beer products and other innovative fermented drinks.

Laboratory microbrewery at CBI Pro-Akademia created as part of the GRUIT project


Our advice to other Applicants

1. The key to success is to create a wise scientific and industrial consortium. Strive for a team that is committed, competent and ready to cooperate. This not only expands the scope of expertise, but also accelerates problem solving.

2. Regular analysis of trends and feedback from consumers can help adapt the project to changing conditions, which increases the chances of commercial success.

3. Don't be afraid of innovation and experimentation. True progress often requires going beyond the beaten path. Being open to new approaches can lead to better solutions.

4. Time planning: Allow much more time than expected for repetitions, failed attempts and unexpected delays (e.g. in the delivery of equipment or materials).

5. Communication with Consortium Members: Maintain regular, open communication. Understanding the needs and expectations of each party helps in effective project management and creating conditions for further joint activities.

Good luck!