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Development of a composite middle ear prosthesis with bactericidal properties

Development of a composite middle ear prosthesis with bactericidal properties

square with tentacles  Project title

Development of a composite middle ear prosthesis with bactericidal properties

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Eng. Magdalena Ziąbka, PhD Professor at the Stanislaw Staszic University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Ceramics, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków

briefcase icon  Name of programme

National programmes

newspaper icon  Competition


two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 1 190 000.00

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 1 190 000.00

clock icon  Project delivery period

01.03.2016 to 29.02.2020

Meet our team

Eng. Magdalena Ziąbka, PhD Professor AGH - project manager

Eng. Michal Dziadek, PhD - Principal Investigator

Wojciech Soldaty, MA - specialist in project promotion and commercialisation

Elżbieta Menaszek, PhD - consultation and supervision of biological research

See the result of our work


OTOIMPLANT - To be able to hear again

Can your hearing be restored? | Otoimplant of AGH scientists

Otoimplant - Polish Agency for Enterprise Development

Article on TVN24

Article on TVP Kraków

What problem does our project solve?

Otoimplant - a polymeric middle ear prosthesis with nanosilver with bactericidal action used in the reconstruction of the ossicular chain. The product addresses hearing loss, which is a cause of exclusion of sufferers from society. People who have an Otoimplant can function freely, both in commonplace relationships and when pursuing their passions or sports. The otoimplant offers the chance to return to a normal life, which has been confirmed in patients, during the surgical procedures performed. The prosthesis is a state-of-the-art solution for easy implantation and does not require the patient to be burdened with additional antibiotic therapy. Taking the development path of the Otoimplant as a model, the materials used and the way in which they are adapted to the real needs of patients, it will be possible in the future to undertake research into other elements of the human skeleton that can be similarly replaced by prostheses to restore patients' health and ability to live with dignity.

Who is going to benefit from the project results?

Otoimplant is designed for patients with hearing loss caused by destruction of the ossicular chain due to inflammation, trauma, disease and congenital defects. The project's findings benefited six patients with hearing loss who were successfully implanted. All reported an improvement in hearing.Patients for the clinical trials were selected in such a way that they represented a wide social range. Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed implant will fulfil its role in a wide range of patients.

Which aspect of the project implementation have we found to be the most challenging?

Implementing such an interdisciplinary project presents many challenges. At each stage of the research, new ones are encountered that must be dealt with. During the implementation of this project, the challenges began in the very first days, and one of the biggest was the preparation of all the medical documentation necessary from obtaining the relevant approvals and permits from the Ethics Committee, the Bioethics Committee and the President of the Office of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products to start clinical trials with patients. Another was to coordinate 4 different research centres to work under time pressure without being able to extend the tasks and to go through a 4-step process of laboratory, in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies in such a short time.

Our advice to other Applicants

Interdisciplinarity is the key to success in the modern world. Don't be afraid to enter into collaborations with researchers in other areas - sometimes this may be the only way to successfully complete your goals.

