Development of an innovative MVC technology
The implementation of the project is to address the problems related to outages faced by entities from the energy sector and production companies
Project title
Development of an innovative MVC (medium voltage cleaning) technology for cleaning electrical power devices at medium voltage of up to 60kV
Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries
3N SOLUTIONS Limited Liability Company
Name of programme
PBSE Sector Programme
Project value
PLN 5 232 134.74
Funding value
PLN 4 018 587.51
Project delivery period
from 1 June 2017 till 31 October 2019
View the results of our work
What problem is addressed by the project?
The implementation of the project is to address the problems related to outages faced by entities from the energy sector and production companies. The problems are basically caused by the accumulation of various types of dirt which negatively and often even destructively affect installations and energy devices. This generates significant losses due to unplanned stoppages, it reduces the service life of the installed components, and necessitates time-consuming and costly shutdowns.
The technological challenge of the project was to improve, test and certify the cleaning technology that will be able to eliminate ou9tages in the operation of the installation during its cleaning at medium voltage of up to 60 kV.
Who uses the project results?
The beneficiaries of the project will be mainly power stations and production companies using power from the medium voltage grid. The main goal of the project was to reduce interruptions in the supply of electricity to consumers thanks to the use of technology enabling work and, consequently, improving the working conditions of distribution devices without the need to turn them off during cleaning. An additional, equally important factor was ensuring the safety of people directly involved in the cleaning service. The developed technology can be used, among others in energy sector. It allows to reduce the occurrence of major failures, increases polarization rates, improves heat dissipation, eliminates the occurrence of secondary waste during cleaning, contributes to the maximum elimination of outages.