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E-learning courses in phraseodidactics and professional preparation of scientific publications


square with tentacles  Project title

E-learning courses in phraseodidactics and professional preparation of scientific publications.

Task No. 1 of this project entitled E-learning courses in phraseodidactics in French, Spanish and Italian.

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

University of Silesia in Katowice.

Manager of Task No. 1 within the project: Monika Sułkowska, PhD, habilitated prof. US.

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

newspaper icon  Competition

Course on MOOCs

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 169000.00

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 163929. 99

clock icon  Project delivery period

01/10/2019 – 30/06/2022

Get to know our team

Task No. 1 in the project has a website with information about the project, the manager and the contractors:

Have a look at the outcome of our

The phrase-didactic courses in French, Spanish and Italian established as a part of the project are available on the educational platform.

What problem does our project solve?

The phraseodidactic courses in French, Spanish and Italian offered on the platform are designed to help learners learn phraseology in foreign languages. They are designed for language learners at min. B level.

They are aimed at developing both receptive phraseological competencies, i.e. connected with the proper understanding of phraseologisms, and productive competences, i.e. those enabling the learner to freely use phraseological compounds in their own statements.

The phraseodidactic course in each language is divided into lessons. Each of them contains a glossary, i.e. a collection of selected phraseologisms with an explanation of their meaning.

In addition, each lesson contains examples of the use of phraseologisms in context and a variety of practical exercises based on the phraseological collocations present in the glossary. The exercises on the platform allow for self-control.

The courses are based on somatic phraseology, i.e. phrases formed with the names of human body parts and with the names of their typical attributes. Somatic phraseology represents the most productive and at the same time frequently used area of phraseology in all languages.

The courses are accompanied by a preliminary test and a final test.

Collocations, present in every language, are needed for efficient communication. The proposed courses fill a niche among glottodidactic materials on phraseology in the Romance languages.

Who will benefit from the outcomes of the project?


The recipients of the proposed phraseodidactic courses can be all learners of French, Spanish or Italian at a minimum of B level.

Students of philology who are studying the Romance languages will certainly benefit from the courses.
