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POWER Program Logo
PL the European Union logo

‘Give it a chance! A university for the 21st century’


square with tentacles  Project title

‘Give it a chance! A university for the 21st century’

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Opole University of Technology

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

newspaper icon  Competition

University accessible

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

Amount of expenditure specified in the financial scope in the contract: PLN 3 989 140. 45

Amount of expenditure settled in the project: PLN 3 980 215.41

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

Amount of expenditure specified in the financial scope in the contract: PLN 3 869 140. 45

Amount of expenditure settled in the project: PLN 3 860 215. 41

clock icon  Project delivery period

from 01/01/2020 until 30/04/2022

Get to know our team

Project team:

  1. Project Manager - Anna Kluger, M.Sc.,
  2. Deputy Project Manager - Ms Agnieszka Nawrocka, M.Sc.,
  3. Coordinator for Reporting and Monitoring - Anna Stefanowska - Strzodka, M.Sc..

Have a look at the outcome of our work

Gallery on project implementation: GALERIA (






What problem does our project solve?

The main objective of the project was to support organisational change, raise awareness and competence of personnel of the Higher Education Institution in the field of disability through the implementation of activities aimed at ensuring accessibility of the Higher Education Institution in terms of communication, administered websites, IT tools, procedures of higher education, introduction of modifications to educational programmes to ensure their accessibility for students with disabilities and activities in the field of architectural accessibility.

The objective was achieved by:

  • training for didactic personnel (support in the didactic process of students with various disabilities), administrative and technical personnel (accessibility of websites, service and raising awareness of people with disabilities) and management of the Opole University of Technology (raising awareness of people with disabilities);
  • adaptation/modification of the existing architecture of the university to the needs of people with disabilities through the installation of lifts in the ‘Zaścianek’ Student Dormitory and ‘Pryzma’ Student Dormitory and in the didactic building, installation (3) and modification (4) of entrance barriers, modernisation of 7 toilets, marking of parking spaces);
  • launch of an e-learning system and provision on the platform of 8 training modules on support in the didactic process and handling and raising public awareness of people with disabilities;
  • adaptation and unification of the websites,
  • adaptation and purchase of supporting technologies (4 inductophonic loops, software for 11 multimedia kiosks),
  • facilitation of navigation for persons with disabilities ( consistent directional information system with a virtual version of the signage);
  • preparation of appropriate procedures to ensure compliance with accessibility standards according to the current legislation in the following areas: architectural, digital, educational (teaching) and recruitment processes;
  • creation of the Office of Support for Persons with Disabilities.

Who will benefit from the outcomes of the project?

The direct target group of the project was the university personnel. As a result of the training, 130 employees of the Opole University of Technology improved their competencies in the field of inclusive education.

The activities of the project made it possible to significantly increase the accessibility of the Higher Education Institution and eliminate barriers.

The effects of the project will benefit the employees, students and doctoral students of the Higher Education Institution, as well as all persons interested in education at the Opole University of Technology, including persons with disabilities.

What was the most challenging aspect of the implementation of the project for us?

The implementation of the project coincided with a very difficult period that presented the project team with many challenges.

The COVID - 19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and rising inflation made things very difficult. This makes it all the more important to consider the fact that all tasks were completed and the objectives planned in the project were achieved as a success for the Opole University of Technology.

Our advice to other Applicants

It is worth taking up the challenge and writing project applications and not being afraid to implement them, as the results achieved are very satisfying, especially if they serve the whole academic community and beyond. However, it is important to diagnose the situation and diagnose needs beforehand, so that the actions taken respond to real needs on the one hand, and also have a preventive nature on the other.
