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Implementation of a basic-level JavaScript programming course

The JavaScript programming courses prepared under the project are a response to market demand for the possibility to acquire and confirm free of basic charge competencies in IT professions, with particular emphasis on deficit professions

Presentation of the platform

square with Tentacles  Project title

Implementation of a basic-level JavaScript programming course

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

The University of Szczecin

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 

newspaper icon  Competition

Higher education for the economy and development - Competences in higher education

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 326,062.50

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 316,262.50

clock icon  Project delivery period

From 01/06/2019 to 30/04/2021.

Meet our team

Project Manager - Karolina Muszyńska
Project Manager - Karolina Muszyńska 


Member of the team from the company cooperating with Open EDG - Urszula Sajkowska
Member of the team from the company cooperating with Open EDG - Urszula Sajkowska 


View the results of our work

Screenshots of sample topics from the course

Screenshots of sample topics from the course

Screenshot of an example task from the course


Screenshot of footage complementing the course

Link to the description of the course in Polish

Link to the description of the course in English

What problem is addressed by the project? 

The JavaScript programming courses prepared under the project are a response to market demand for the possibility to acquire and confirm free of basic charge competencies in IT professions, with particular emphasis on deficit professions. The analysis of job offers on internet portals (such as, or, as well as the results of analyses of IT companies (e.g. FullStack Academy company), indicate high demand for programmers, in particular for programmers who know the JavaScript language. Completing the course and successfully passing the final examination, you can obtain a certificate of competence in the basics of JavaScript programming. The way the course is organised encourages the acquisition of practical knowledge and skills through an interactive programming environment and alternating theoretical parts with practical tasks. The course has also been prepared in an English-language version for people who work or want to work in English-speaking companies or who have a poor command of the Polish language.

Who uses the project results? 

The project results can be used by anyone wishing to improve their IT skills, especially in JavaScript programming. Anyone can enrol on the course, including people with hearing and visual impairments, as the courses are tailored to their needs. 
