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Integrated Development Programme of the Higher Education Institution as an Opportunity for the School of Management and Banking in Krakow


square with tentacles  Project title

Integrated Development Programme of the Higher Education Institution as an Opportunity for the School of Management and Banking in Krakow

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości w Krakowie (The School of Management and Banking in Krakow)

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

newspaper icon  Competition

Integrated Curricula of the Higher Education Institution

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 4 993 978.50

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 4 844 159.13

clock icon  Project delivery period

from 01/09/2018 until 31/08/2022

Have a look at the outcome of our work



What problem does our project solve?

Owing to the project, it was possible to modernise both the infrastructure and processes of the WSZIB. Thanks to the co-financing, the educational curriculum in the field of study of IT - first degree studies with a practical profile - was also revised. The direct outcome of the project is:

- modernisation of the curriculum for IT studies and its adaptation to the needs of the labour market through the development of a programme of unique specialisations,

- development of a career activation programme for the students of the School of Management and Banking in Krakow through support of the Career Service Office,

- expansion of the School of Management and Banking in Krakow intranet through modernisation of its proprietary platforms and creation, by the IT Department of the School of Management and Banking in Krakow, of a myWSZiB mobile application for the Android and iOS platforms,

- conducting training and practical workshops for WSZIB students in the field of business analytics, project management or computer accounting,

- modernising the Wi-Fi network at the higher education institution and introducing remote access to IT infrastructure,

- as a part of restructuring activities: development of a manual of procedures and preparation of the higher education institution for the implementation of the requirements of the Act on Higher Education and Science (Act 2.0).

Thanks to the comprehensive support, the higher education institution underwent a transformation and became a modern institution of higher education with a practical profile.

Who will benefit from the outcomes of the project?

The outcomes of the project related to the Integrated Development Programme of the Higher Education Institution are addressed to all stakeholders of the higher education institution, i.e. students, research and teaching employees as well as the administration. Thanks to a comprehensive approach to modernisation in the areas such as study curricula, technical infrastructure (software and hardware) and process restructuring, all groups functioning at the Higher Education Institution received real support.

What was the most challenging aspect of the implementation of the project for us?

Our greatest challenge was to be responsible for the correct and proper completion of the project activities, as the authorities of the higher education institution were aware that the implementation of the project was at the same time a huge modernisation and restructuring opportunity.

Our advice to other Applicants

It is worth cooperating with NCRD - you should not be afraid to apply for funds and implement a project. It is an incredible opportunity to improve the quality of the higher education institution. The School of Management and Banking in Krakow successfully settled the project, which was implemented largely during the pandemic period. We have always received assistance and substantive support when non-standard measures related to the pandemic situation were required.
