Integrated development programme of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
As part of the project, students will have the opportunity of participating in paid internships and trainings increasing their competences on the labour market
Project title
Integrated development programme of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Name of programme
Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme
Integrated Programmes of the University - Path I
Project value
PLN 12 139 384.31
Funding value
PLN 11 775 202.75
Project delivery period
from 1 April 2019 till 31 March 2023
Meet our team
View the results of our work
What problem is addressed by the project?
At the project planning stage, the following problems were identified for which our project is the answer:
- difficulties in finding employment by university graduates,
- insufficient teaching competences of the university staff,
- insufficient management competences of university employees,
- unsuited university IT system.
As part of the project, students will have the opportunity of participating in paid internships and trainings increasing their competences on the labour market. As a result, the project will contribute to achieving the goal of “Europe 2020” strategy of increasing the employment of the population aged 20-64. Teaching, administrative and management staff will have the opportunity to improve their competences through participation in training and workshops. In addition, the university's ERP-class IT system - S4A Software - will be adapted to the current needs of employees and students. The development of the competences of university employees and an adapted management system will result in a lower rate of early school leaving and in an increase in the percentage of the population with university degrees.
Who uses the project results?
171 students participating in internships and 324 taking part in trainings will benefit from the results of the project; 450 members of the teaching staff as well as 149 employees of administration and management will increase their competences. Additionally, as part of the project, an IT system will be adapted to serve all employees and students as well as broadly understood stakeholders of the University. Organized internships will not only benefit students, but also employers who, thanks to the project we are implementing, will be able to "test" an employee before hiring him.
What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?
The biggest challenge during the project implementation was to coordinate all tasks and translate the complex requirements concerning the documentation of our activities into the simple language of the project recipients.
Our advice for other applicants
We encourage you to allocate some of your resources for promotional campaigns, to use modern communication channels with project recipients, such as social media, and to tackle the emerging problems in an unconventional way. The biggest undoing of any project under implementation is the statement "That’s how I do it because we have always done it this way". Openness to new solutions and a professional approach to the tasks entrusted to us is our recipe for success. In addition, we encourage the involvement of various groups of recipients in the implementation of the project, such as representatives of the teaching staff and students’ circles. It is a good idea to involve student groups, local governments and trade unions in a given project.