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Strategmed Program logo
Logo of the National Center for Research and Development from the left: the white and red flag of the Republic of Poland, the emblem of the Republic of Poland. The image of a white eagle with a crown in a red field.

Laser microprobes

Laser micro probes. Fast and precise cancer diagnosis

Diagnostic device in the shape of a white box in a metal case, with a screen and the possibility of printing the results. The device is connected to the test tube with thin wires.

square with tentacles  Project title

Development of an innovative technology for the production of laser micro probes for cancer diagnostics

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries


  • SDS Optic S.A. - consortium leader
  • Medical University of Lublin
  • University of Life Sciences in Lublin
  • Wroclaw Medical University
  • Foundation of the Polish Center for Photonics and Fiber Optics

briefcase icon  Name of programme


newspaper icon  Competition

Prevention and treatment of civilization diseases

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 12 982 621

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 10 384 566

clock icon  Project delivery period

1st June 2015 – 31st May 2018

Meet our team 

Professor Magdalena Staniszewska, initiator and project manager
Professor Magdalena Staniszewska, initiator and project manager


Marcin Staniszewski, founder and president of SDS Optic SA
Marcin Staniszewski, founder and president of SDS Optic SA

View the results of our work

Diagnostic device in the shape of a white box in a metal case, with a screen and the possibility of printing the results. The device is connected to the test tube with thin wires.
Diagnostic device


What problem is addressed by the project? 

Cancer is a global health problem and the world's second leading cause of death. Breast cancer is the second most common and most common type in women among all cancers. Currently, over 1.5 million new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed worldwide (25% of all cancers). Long-term patient survival is related to the stage of the disease at diagnosis. Only 24% of patients with metastatic breast cancer will survive for 5 years and almost none will be cured. In contrast, patients diagnosed with the disease early enough will have the chance of long-term disease-free survival. As much as 30% of cancer deaths could be prevented by implementing precise and quick diagnostic methods.
Currently, neoplastic diagnostics is used based on clinical methods of molecular diagnostic phenotyping for breast cancer. They mainly rely on the immunostaining of tumor or lymph node samples, and the measurement of markers of tumor origin, including the general markers CA 15-3 and sHER2, released into the blood. Unfortunately, the methods used today have several limitations. Due to their low sensitivity, diagnosis or staging is possible only at a relatively advanced stage of the disease, requires time-consuming procedures, and the results vary depending on the staining procedure.
Thanks to co-financing from the National Center for Research and Development, a Polish couple of scientists who decided to return to Poland after gaining scientific and professional experience in the USA began work on a breakthrough technology for precise and quick cancer diagnosis. The determination of the originators, faith in the project of external investors and the possibility of starting clinical trials thanks to the largest grant in Poland from the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme, makes the possibility of access to fast cancer diagnostics for millions of women around the world real and thus contributes to increasing the chances of survival when faced with such a dangerous disease.
Our technology, based on biological fiber optic probes, in a minimally invasive way (hair thickness probe) allows you to measure the level of HER2 tumor markers, giving the result with the status of this marker within 30 minutes from the start of the test. The optical microprobe features, such as diameter and optical detection system, are a breakthrough solution that allows the identification of molecular cancer in situ without the need for a biopsy. The technology will be made available for clinical and research applications to improve clinical outcomes in disease diagnosis as well as to develop new, effective personalized therapies. The device will improve the diagnosis of breast cancer by immediate detection of HER2 - a marker generated by cancer cells, where it has been proven that the targeted therapies based on trastuzumab are highly effective.

Who uses the project results? 

The main beneficiaries of our technology will be HER2-positive patients, as targeted therapy based on trastuzumab is currently available for this type of cancer. In the world, such therapy is used in breast and stomach cancer.

What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?

Coordination of the work of all consortium members - including the leader of five entities - is a real challenge. The delay in work for one consortium member forced shifts for the others. Time-consuming tender procedures, which significantly affect the dynamics of implemented projects, are a major problem at universities. But let's look at the effects.
We would like to share the success of our Lublin-based company SDS Optic SA, whose co-founder Magdalena Staniszewska PhD received a prestigious award on behalf of the European Commission in the Innovation Radar Prize 2020 competition in the Women-led Innovation category. Doctor Staniszewska was announced the most innovative WOMAN in the European Union for 2020, and the award was presented by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel: innovation-radar-prize-2020
The European Commission selected 12 entities for the final of the competition that work on innovative and breakthrough technologies - from among several thousand entities from all over the European Union. The technology, on the basis of which SDS Optic was nominated for Mrs Staniszewska in the Women-led Innovation category, could develop, among others thanks to a grant from the National Center for Research and Development in the STRATEGMED programme.
We would also like to thank our Consortium members who, together with us, implemented the Microprobe project (Medical University of Lublin, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Medical University of Wrocław). It is worth implementing projects thanks to which Polish science is noticed and appreciated throughout the European Union and beyond its borders. Such fruitful cooperation with the scientific community was possible thanks to the Lublin Medicine Cluster, which combines the scientific potential of universities with the commercial aspirations of entrepreneurs.
We also thank the authorities of the Catholic University of Lublin, which enable us to conduct scientific research on breakthrough technology for rapid cancer diagnostics in their biochemical laboratories.

Our advice for other applicants

Always try to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain funding for interesting and unconventional projects. For project managers - it is a huge knowledge they acquire in the field of fundraising, as well as experience in project implementation. For the workshop leaders - such a project is a new challenge, and for the participants - an unforgettable adventure and joy from participation in classes at the highest level.

