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The LEADER program is aimed at supporting the development of scientific staff, in particular by financing programs addressed to young scientists, aimed at raising competences in the field of independent planning, management and leadership of a research team, through the implementation of research projects, the results of which may be applied in practice and have implementation potential.


The main objective of the program is to broaden the competences of young scientists to independently plan, manage, and lead their own research teams during the implementation of research projects whose results can be implemented in the economy. The program also stimulates collaboration between scientists and entrepreneurs by supporting research that can possibly be commercialised. There is no thematic limitation.

It also contributes to the global trend of creating specialized instruments for financing research conducted by young scientists.

The maximum amount of funding for the project in the eighth call for proposals amounted to PLN 1.2 million.

Program is dedicated to:

  • doctoral students;
  • academic teachers who do not have a doctoral degree;
  • persons with a doctoral degree, from which 7 years have not elapsed (this period does not include breaks related to leaves referred to in the Competition Regulations), while employed in the entity referred to in Art. 7 sec. 1 of the Law on Higher Education and Science;
  • holders of the postdoctoral degree, provided that 7 years have not elapsed since obtaining the doctoral degree (this period does not include breaks related to the leaves referred to in the Competition Regulations), at the same time she is employed in an entity referred to in Art. 7 sec. 1 of the Law on Higher Education and Science.

The budget of the competition is approx. PLN 80 million

The project must be implemented in cooperation with the research unit that will employ the Project Manager for the entire duration of the Project and other members of the Research Team for the period of their work on the Project implementation.
