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Limiting the spread of COVID-19 disease in everyday medical practice among patients

As a result of our project, procedures were developed that describe step-by-step examination of the head and neck organs in patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection

Intensive surveillance room. Thanks to the glass wall from the nursing point, it was possible to observe patients undergoing treatment according to the developed procedures and regimens for treating respiratory failure in the course of COVID-19 with the use of CPAP and / or BiPAP pumps.

square with Tentacles  Project title

Limiting the spread of COVID-19 disease in everyday medical practice among patients with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection during otorhinolaryngological consultations.

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Provincial Hospital in Łomża

briefcase icon  Name of programme

National Programmes

newspaper icon  Competition

Support for single-name hospitals in the fight against the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection and in the treatment for COVID-19 patients

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 7 919 380.43

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 7 919 380.43

clock icon  Project delivery period

21 July 2020 – 20 July 2021

Meet our team

Representatives of the main research team of the Laryngology Division, from the left: Bożena Getek - nurse, Marzena Konopka - nurse, Piotr Pierczyński - physician, Tymoteusz Sztabiński - physician, Dariusz Cieśla - physician, Elżbieta Sztachańska - nurse, Teresa Wiśniewska - cleaning staff, Weronika Chojnowska - physician, Dorota Kuryga - project manager, Beata Zamojska-Kołodziejczyk - nurse
Representatives of the main research team of the Laryngology Division, from the left: Bożena Getek - nurse, Marzena Konopka - nurse, Piotr Pierczyński - physician, Tymoteusz Sztabiński - physician, Dariusz Cieśla - physician, Elżbieta Sztachańska - nurse, Teresa Wiśniewska - cleaning staff, Weronika Chojnowska - physician, Dorota Kuryga - project manager, Beata Zamojska-Kołodziejczyk - nurse


Representatives of the team of laboratorians responsible for conducting RT-PCR tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 on a group of patients, from the left: Katarzyna Dmochowska, Beata Olczyk, Agnieszka Okołowicz, Bożena Ślesicka, Dariusz Okołowicz, Magdalena Bubień, Maria Mazuruk
Representatives of the team of laboratorians responsible for conducting RT-PCR tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 on a group of patients, from the left: Katarzyna Dmochowska, Beata Olczyk, Agnieszka Okołowicz, Bożena Ślesicka, Dariusz Okołowicz, Magdalena Bubień, Maria Mazuruk


Research team representatives, from the left: Halina Łupińska - pulmonologist, Dariusz Rutkowski - pulmonologist, Piotr Owłasiuk – infectious diseases doctor, Tymoteusz Sztabiński- resident otorhinolaryngologist, Dariusz Cieśla - otorhinolaryngologist, Sylwia Cholewicka - otorhinolaryngologist Research team representatives, from the left: Halina Łupińska - pulmonologist, Dariusz Rutkowski - pulmonologist, Piotr Owłasiuk – infectious diseases doctor, Tymoteusz Sztabiński- resident otorhinolaryngologist, Dariusz Cieśla - otorhinolaryngologist, Sylwia Cholewicka - otorhinolaryngologist
Research team representatives, from the left: Halina Łupińska - pulmonologist, Dariusz Rutkowski - pulmonologist, Piotr Owłasiuk – infectious diseases doctor, Tymoteusz Sztabiński-  resident otorhinolaryngologist, Dariusz Cieśla - otorhinolaryngologist, Sylwia Cholewicka - otorhinolaryngologist 

Financial settlement of the project, administrative employees of the accounting department, from the left: Anna Chludzińska, Marlena WierzbowskaRozliczanie finansowe projektu, pracownicy administracyjni działu księgowości, od lewej: Anna Chludzińska, Marlena Wierzbowska
Financial settlement of the project, administrative employees of the accounting department, from the left: Anna Chludzińska, Marlena Wierzbowska

View the results of our work

Preparation of medical equipment in the form of a BiPAP and HFNT pump before starting treatment of a patient with respiratory failure in the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection in accordance with the "Procedure for the use of BiPAP in the treatment of COVID-19"

Preparation of medical equipment in the form of a BiPAP and HFNT pump before starting treatment of a patient with respiratory failure in the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection in accordance with the "Procedure for the use of BiPAP in the treatment of COVID-19"

Preparation of medical equipment in the form of a BiPAP and HFNT pump before starting treatment of a patient with respiratory failure in the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection in accordance with the "Procedure for the use of BiPAP in the treatment of COVID-19"
Przygotowania aparatury medycznej w postaci pompy BiPAP i HFNT przed przystąpieniem do leczenia chorej z niewydolnością oddechową w przebiegu zakażenia SARS-CoV-2 zgodnie z „Procedurą zastosowania BiPAP w leczeniu COVID-19”

Intensive surveillance room. Thanks to the glass wall from the nursing point, it was possible to observe patients undergoing treatment according to the developed procedures and regimens for treating respiratory failure in the course of COVID-19 with the use of CPAP and / or BiPAP pumps.
Intensive surveillance room. Thanks to the glass wall from the nursing point, it was possible to observe patients undergoing treatment according to the developed procedures and regimens for treating respiratory failure in the course of COVID-19 with the use of CPAP and / or BiPAP pumps.


A diagnostic and treatment room, where a sterilization specialist and an epidemiological nurse train the nursing staff in the correct compliance with the "Procedure for decontamination and sterilization of ENT tools and medical equipment used for the activities in the field of otorhinolaryngology in conditions of SARS-CoV-2 infection"

A diagnostic and treatment room, where a sterilization specialist and an epidemiological nurse train the nursing staff in the correct compliance with the "Procedure for decontamination and sterilization of ENT tools and medical equipment used for the activities in the field of otorhinolaryngology in conditions of SARS-CoV-2 infection"
A diagnostic and treatment room, where a sterilization specialist and an epidemiological nurse train the nursing staff in the correct compliance with the "Procedure for decontamination and sterilization of ENT tools and medical equipment used for the activities in the field of otorhinolaryngology in conditions of SARS-CoV-2 infection"

Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy w którym wykonywano zabiegi na cele opracowania „Procedury wykonywania drobnych zabiegów otorynolaryngologicznych w warunkach zagrożenia zakażeniem SARS-CoV-2” oraz prowadzono prace badawcze mające na celu opracowanie procedur badania nosa, gardła, krtani i ucha w warunkach zagrożenia wirusem SARS-CoV-2.
A diagnostic and treatment room, where a sterilization specialist and an epidemiological nurse train the nursing staff in the correct compliance with the "Procedure for decontamination and sterilization of ENT tools and medical equipment used for the activities in the field of otorhinolaryngology in conditions of SARS-CoV-2 infection"

What problem is addressed by the project? 

As a result of our project, procedures were developed that describe step-by-step examination of the head and neck organs in patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. These procedures solve the problem of the widespread fear among otorhinolaryngologists about examining patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. These concerns arose at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic because they were associated with a significant risk of transmission of the virus contained in aerosol particles and exhaled particularly intensively by patients when their throat, nose and larynx were examined. The developed procedures significantly increase the safety of an ENT examination through clear guidelines on the examination technique, thanks to which the contact time with the patient is shortened to a minimum while the high quality of the medical examination is maintained in conditions that meet the strict sanitary and epidemiological requirements. The developed procedures also include practical guidelines for assigning patients requiring hospital treatment in individual wards or rooms by separating more and less infectious zones, so as to reduce the exposure of staff to the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. In addition, thanks to the procedures that have been developed, the risk of spreading the virus through contact is reduced. Clear instructions on surface cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of medical instruments in direct contact with the mucous membranes and secretions of patients suffering from COVID-19, increase the safety and work comfort of the nursing, cleaning and hospital hygiene department staff. On the other hand, treatment regimens using increased continuous or variable pressures applied to the respiratory tracts, set the therapy path for patients manifesting respiratory failure due to COVID-19, in case when classic therapeutic methods, such as high-flow oxygen therapy or a ventilator, are not available. 

Who uses the project results? 

The results of the project, especially the developed treatment regimens, will benefit all health care facilities providing ENT services, hospitalization of patients with COVID-19 and other infectious diseases spread by air, droplets and contact. Since the developed procedures are, from our point of view, very universal, they can be implemented not only in Poland, but also all over the world, both in the public and private sectors. The developed procedures for simple ENT consultations, after their internal adaptation, will also prove useful in the surgeries of doctors providing outpatient services who are concerned about their safety and the potential transmission of infection from a patient of an unknown SARS-CoV-2 virus infection status. 

What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?

The biggest challenge in implementing the project was to coordinate its individual stages with the dynamics of the epidemic. Due to the seasonality of people falling ill, the emergence of new virus variants and the introduction of vaccinations, it was not possible to recruit patients to research groups as planned. Also, the need to adapt the Hospital to the administratively dictated number of covid patients beds that could not be predicted by the research team, increased the concern about collecting appropriate research material. In addition, external factors conditioned by common delays in world market productions significantly extended the processes of supplying research equipment and the implementation of additional services included in the initial stages of the project. Everything was accompanied by work under the stress of fighting to save lives and the pressure to complete the project within a specific period.

Our advice for other applicants

First of all, before deciding to start a project, you need to check your own resources. During the period of an epidemic, you should bear in mind the increased absenteeism of both research and administrative staff. Before starting the project, the project manager should make sure that the terms of the competition and co-financing are known and understood by the administrative staff, especially the human resources, accounting and public procurement departments. You should also consider the possibility of limited supplies of the ordered materials and prepare an alternative plan for the implementation of research works based on the institution's own resources in the event of external suppliers failure to meet contractual agreements.
