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Mass, open course of Polish Sign Language at basic level

The project t increases the offer of education in the field of Polish Sign Language by creating and implementing a course in the form of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)

Polish sign language course organized by the University of Humanities and Sciences. Jan Długosz in Częstochowa

square with Tentacles  Project title

Mass, open course of Polish Sign Language at basic level

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Jan Długosz University  in Częstochowa

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

newspaper icon  Competition

"MOOC course"

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 171,740.00

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 166,587.79

clock icon  Project delivery period

From 01.10.2019 to 30.09.2021

Meet our team

Anna Irasiak, Ph.D.  (photo attached) organiser of the course. 
Assistant Professor at the Pedagogy Department of the Jan Długosz University  in Częstochowa, certified sign language interpreter, graduate of post-graduate studies "Polish Sign Language" at the University of Warsaw with a specialisation in reading, author of scientific publications on sign language and Deaf culture, supervisor of post-graduate studies "Pedagogical preparation with sign language", teaches Polish sign language at the Jan Długosz University  in Częstochowa.

View the results of our work

Polish sign language course organized by the University of Humanities and Sciences. Jan Długosz in Częstochowa

Polish sign language course organized by the University of Humanities and Sciences. Jan Długosz in Częstochowa

Polish sign language course organized by the University of Humanities and Sciences. Jan Długosz in Częstochowa


Course on the platform. Third edition available here.
All video and visual materials are available on the above website. Please sign the materials as "Polish Sign Language Course organised by the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa"

What problem is addressed by the project? 

The project t increases the offer of education in the field of Polish Sign Language by creating and implementing a course in the form of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses). Thanks to the implementation of the project it was possible to popularize knowledge of this beautiful language and to acquire by course participants skills of using it on a basic level. The completion of the course gives the opportunity to use Polish Sign Language (PSL) in simple communication situations such as establishing contact or telling about oneself and one's immediate environment. It gives an insight into the visual-spatial nature of sign communication and enables an understanding of the rules of communication in PSL. 
The course is available free of charge on the platform for all people interested in learning this language. The remote form of learning abolishes time and territorial limitations, which means that you can participate in the course from any place via a computer or a mobile device with Internet access and by yourself regulating the amount of time you devote to learning during the course.

Who uses the project results? 

It is designed for people who:

  • want to learn to communicate in natural sign language;
  • have contact with deaf people in their workplaces (e.g. employees in administration, health care institutions, police forces, fire brigades, municipal police forces, social services, education system, employees in institutions related to tourism and recreation);
  • wish to acquire additional competences;
  • a member of their family or in their social environment is a deaf person.

The course is open to deaf and hard of hearing participants who have not previously used Polish Sign Language.

What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?

The implementation of the project and the work on developing the course and its subsequent implementation brought a lot of joy in its substantive and technical construction as well as satisfaction from observing the effect of the work. None of the difficulties that arose was so great as to overshadow the satisfaction from the work on course development. The challenge was one - to achieve the intended objectives,  then it was only necessary to consistently strive for this goal. 
