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MUCHA - Spatial image registration and processing system


square with tentacles  Project title

MUCHA - Spatial image registration and processing system

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Poznan University of Technology

Project manager MSc Krzysztof Wegner

briefcase icon  Name of programme

National programmes

newspaper icon  Competition


two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 1,196,912.50

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 1,196,912.50

clock icon  Project delivery period

from 01.02.2018 to 31.05.2021

Meet our team



See the result of our work

MUCHA - Spatial image registration and processing system
MUCHA - Spatial image registration and processing system


What problem does our project solve?

The technology developed for the construction of modular light field cameras makes it possible to record the surrounding world with unprecedented precision. The light field camera enables not only the colour of the incoming light to be recorded, but also the precise measurement of the direction from which the ray reached the camera. This allows the light field camera to reconstruct a spatial representation of the observed world in the form of high-quality moving 3D models. A wszystko to z prędkością dochodzącą nawet do 30 modeli 3D na sekundę. Thanks to its modular design, our technology allows the recording of very small objects as well as entire outdoor scenes.

In the developed technology, we use only commonly available components which significantly reduces the cost of implementing the developed light field camera.

The technology developed is not only a camera, but also a set of specialised software to process and display spatial data.

Who is going to benefit from the project results?

First and foremost, the VR industry where the need is to record high-quality moving 3D models.

The developed camera can find such applications in robotics and production lines, where precise 3D measurements are crucial for the correct operation of the entire system.

Thanks to specialised software and a unique design, our solution can compete with active systems such as lars or lasers, without all the drawbacks of active technologies (low frame rates or dazzling other sensors)

Which aspect of the project implementation have we found to be the most challenging?

Research is being carried out around the world on light field recording and processing, and some systems are even being used in practice (simple cameras from Raytrix). However, there is a lack of comprehensive systems with similar properties to the technology developed in the project. In particular, there are currently no systems capable of recording and processing a light field with such a large number of rays recorded and such a spatial image registration speed. The biggest technological challenge is the real-time registration of millions of individual light field beams.

Our advice to other Applicants

NCRD's financial support, allows you to turn your own idea into reality and move from a vague concept to a working device ready for market implementation. It is also an excellent opportunity to build a team of competent supporting experts from different fields, who can boldly continue to pursue further ideas straight out of science fiction.
