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PARTFINDER will help you establish a national and international research collaboration


The National Center for Research and Development has launched a new tool - PARTFINDER. This is a solution for research groups that are actively looking for partners or are interested in establishing cooperation with other units from Poland and abroad. The tool will significantly facilitate the creation of national and international research consortia and joint participation in grant competitions.

we work together for a better tomorrow!

Currently, the Center offers over 70 international programmes. So far, their potential beneficiaries have struggled with difficulties at the earliest and key stage of preparing a research project, i.e. establishing contact and cooperation with foreign partners. Thanks to the implementation of PARTFINDER, NCBR provides domestic enterprises and research units with a partner search engine for the implementation of international projects. The tool will enable both the placement of announcements of willingness to establish cooperation, as well as the search for partners for joint research implementation.

- NCBR is not limited to the role of competition organizer. We also try to support market entities so that they can take part in these competitions and, thanks to the solutions developed in them, be successful. PARTFINDER is an example of such support - said Remigiusz Kopoczek, PhD, director of the National Center for Research and Development. - We now expect to establish new and strengthen existing contacts between research institutions and entrepreneurs from Poland and abroad, which will translate into an increase in the participation of researchers and entities from Poland in international competitions with the participation of NCBR. Thus, we strengthen our role as a contact point for transnational cooperation in the field of research and development.

Application functionality

Access to PARTFINDER does not require logging in and in such a basic view the tool offers a preview of basic unit data. However, by creating a unique user account, the functionality will be extended to the ability to view the details of ads (such as contact details), add your own ads, create lists of favorite entities, or personalize your profile.

Logged in users have the option of posting announcements of scientific-research, business and training cooperation, etc. Within them, you can include information such as: the date of validity of the announcement, contact, area of ​​interest (according to the OECD classification, with a short description of the proposed project and keywords), the country of the partner you are looking for, expectations regarding cooperation and partners or other information. In addition, the ads that already exist in the system can be filtered in terms of the research area, partner type, keywords or posting date.

Access to the PARTFINDER is available at the link.
