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POWER Program Logo
PL the European Union logo

PK=Power of knowledge


square with tentacles  Project title

PK=Power of knowledge

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki (Cracow University of Technology)
Akademicki Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości (Academic Business Incubator)

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

newspaper icon  Competition

Course on MOOCs

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 511 462.50

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 496 118.62

clock icon  Project delivery period

from 01-01-2020 until 30-06-2020

Have a look at the outcome of our work


What problem does our project solve?

The subject of our project was to create 3 open MOOC courses, which are available on the platform (currently being updated).  The topics of the courses are: entrepreneurship, innovation management and sources of scientific information.

The 'Entrepreneurship holds a MOOC' course is aimed at children aged 10-15.

For several years now, Poland has seen an increase in the economic activity of children and young people. The dynamic development of trade and the financial services sector has resulted in increased interest and activity in the economic field among Polish society. According to a survey conducted by the Ipsos in 2010, four-year-olds were already economically active, some of whom received regular pocket money. This was confirmed by research conducted in 2016 by the IQS agency as part of Kids power, which shows that children are increasingly co-determining consumer choices in the family. Although Polish young people are quite good at managing their own finances, over the course of three years (2012-2015), the percentage of people (from 10% to 20%) for whom solving tasks related to the financial world was too difficult increased. The ability to identify press information, its evaluation and the ability to put it into practice was verified by a set of 43 tasks. (Survey conducted in 2015 by the Educational Research Institute.) Therefore, the basic assumption of the implemented course was and is to familiarise children with the issues of economics, saving, earning. The methodology of the course was based on the model of effective learning with the use of activating didactic methods. Objectives of the course:- gaining knowledge of economic education, - increasing awareness of the reception of advertising messages,- shaping the habit of rational money management, acquiring the ability to plan purchases and value them,- acquiring the ability to diversify sources of income,- acquiring knowledge of investment opportunities.

The 'Innovation Management' course is aimed at students, research workers and R&D professionals. According to the 2018 Research and Development in Central European Companies report, still not enough companies recognise the need to base their economic activity on innovation. For the purpose of narrowing the gap between Europe and the USA, Canada and Japan, European countries need to intensify their efforts related to promoting a culture of innovation and educating competent managers, according to the report entitled the 2018 European Innovation Ranking. Online education and mass access to specialised knowledge, is one of the solutions that can positively influence the growth of awareness and competences related to the area of competitive advantages built on innovation. Therefore, the main objective of the course is to familiarise course participants with the specifics of innovation management and the main models for implementing innovation into the economy. Improving entrepreneurial, communication and analytical competences.

The 'Creation and delivery of a course entitled Research Information Competencies in Scientific Work' course. Currently, there are no open e-learning courses on research information competencies on the Polish market. The few existing courses on science communication, both commercial and open ones, focus mainly on building a researcher's image online and learning how to write scientific texts. Courses on information searching mainly concern so-called white intelligence and are primarily aimed at information brokers. An access to most courses is limited by various restrictions. The aim of the course is to increase research information competencies. The specific objective is to enable the acquisition of the competencies necessary for the various stages of the research cycle, from literature review, trend analysis and research topic selection, through data collection, verification, analysis and processing, conducting research and possible collaboration in research teams, to making data available in repositories and publishing results in carefully selected journals and publications.

Who will benefit from the outcomes of the project?

All of the courses we have developed are available on the platform, making them accessible to anyone interested in the subject matter. The platform is an open platform, which gives the opportunity to anyone interested to take advantage of it.

What was the most challenging aspect of the implementation of the project for us?

The most challenging part was delivering the course during the pandemic period. Although the work could largely be done by task, periods of increased morbidity severely disorganised it, causing delays in the project.
