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Recovery Advisors. Supporting the process of recovery and social activation of people experiencing a mental crisis


square with tentacles  Project title

Recovery Advisors. Supporting the process of recovery and social activation of people experiencing a mental crisis.

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

The Maria Grzegorzewska University; partner: Brodno Association of Friends and Families of People with Mental Disorders POMOST

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

newspaper icon  Competition

Third Mission of the University

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 1 008 852.00

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 901 842.00

clock icon  Project delivery period

from 01/01/2019 until 31/03/2022

Get to know our team

dr hab. prof. APS Paweł Bronowski – Project Manager

dr hab. prof. UJ Hubert Kaszyński

dr hab. prof. APS Beata Hintze

Sylwia Kluczyńska, PhD in Psychology

Lidia Zabłocka Żytka, PhD in Psychology

Marcin Sękowski, PhD in Psychology

Monika Zima Parjaszewska, PhD Ed.

Mariusz Fila, M. Ed.

Arkadiusz Korycki, M. Sc.

Marzena Pietrusińska, M. Psych.

Agnieszka Cierpucha, M. Psych.

Małgorzata Gawron


More than 150 people with experience of mental health crisis received Certificates of Recovery Advisor upon completion of the Course. They now provide telephone advisory services to other patients, work in counselling centres and psychiatric health care facilities. They give destigmatisation lectures. Intensively support the development of the self-help movement:


Two book publications on coping with the disease and the work of the Recovery Advisor by Project participants were published: "Oblicza Depresji" (Difin Publishing House) and "Ja się nie chowam - jestem CHADOWA" (Wydawnictwo APS).

O depresji. Rozmowy bez wstydu


Ja się nie chowam - jestem CHADOWA




Project participants were involved in the preparation of a virtual exhibition on the work of people after a mental health crisis. It also includes interviews with Project participants about their experiences of coping with the disease and working for the benefit of others:


Virtual exhibition

What problem does our project solve?

The main objective of the project was to prepare and conduct a Course enabling people with experience of mental disorders to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to support others suffering from the disease. Thanks to the participation in the Project, a group of more than 150 people obtained the Certificate of Recovery Advisor.

For people suffering from mental disease, opportunities for improving qualifications and acquiring knowledge are severely limited. This also applies to knowledge and skills related to supporting the recovery process and gaining and maintaining employment. Participation in a training course on modern support methods can be considered particularly useful for people with mental disease. A comprehensive course covering a range of issues in recovery and social activation enabled both knowledge of the subject matter and skills to be acquired for practical application.

Today, the Recovery Advisors, in addition to helping other people suffering from the disease, share their knowledge with professionals from the treatment and social care system.

The Course curriculum was prepared in a cooperation with people suffering from mental disease (members of the TROP Support Group for People Experiencing Mental Crisis) and the Project Partner. Thanks to this, the most important needs and expectations of the beneficiaries were identified. These concern: rules for supporting the recovery process, increasing knowledge and skills needed on the labour market (e.g. using the OFFICE package and self-presentation), acquiring public speaking skills, strengthening interpersonal skills. The focus was mainly on competences related to supporting other people with the disease.  After participating in the project, people with mental crises increased their chances to obtain employment (or voluntary work) as the Experts by Experience in the self-help movement or in social care, treatment and community support programmes.

The course comprised 100 hours of training. The classes were divided into 6 theme modules:

- Empowerment and recovery

- How to protect your rights and get support

- How to feel useful - activities for the benefit of others

- Social entrepreneurship

- Advising and supporting others who are suffering from a disease

- Using modern information technologies


Participants in the programme could also benefit from individual psychological support.

The activities carried out as part of the Project were subject to ongoing and ex-post evaluation. Its outcomes showed that participation in the Programme, in addition to the acquisition of new skills, had a positive impact on the level of psychological well-being of those benefiting from it. 

Experiences gained from conducting the Course and evaluation data enabled the development of a Guide for Higher Education Institutions on the implementation of the Courses for people experiencing a mental health crisis.

Who will benefit from the outcomes of the project?

The outcomes of the project primarily benefit people with experience of mental disorders. Thanks to the project, they gained extremely useful competences and knowledge to support other people suffering from the disease. Their personal resources significantly increased and their situation on the labour market improved. The training of a large group of people with mental disorders and their further activities for the benefit of others is also an important contribution to combating the stigmatising social attitudes towards this group.

What was the most challenging aspect of the implementation of the project for us?

The main problems encountered during the implementation of the project were related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic. The epidemic caused difficulties in recruiting participants and made them concerned about the possibility of being infected with the virus while attending the Course (when conducted in person). This issue was resolved by additional recruitment and by conducting a part of the Course on-line.

Our advice to other Applicants

Higher education institution is an excellent environment for implementing innovative methods to support people in particularly vulnerable situations. People experiencing mental disorders are such a group. We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities available to higher education institutions, particularly in providing an access to programmes that enhance qualifications.
