Seamless support of serverless applications in multi-cloud
The subject of the Functionizer project was to create a programming platform supporting the migration, optimization and management of software in the Serverless Computing model in a multi-cloud environment, i.e. with flexible use of resources from various suppliers
Project title
Wsparcie aplikacji serverless w środowisku multi-cloud
Seamless support of serverless applications in multi-cloud
Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries
Leader: Limited Liability Company
Holisun SRL
Name of programme
Competition no 8
Project value
PLN 2 655 926.93
Funding value
PLN 1 593 556.15
Project delivery period
1 June 2018 – 31 May 2021
Meet our team
View the results of our work
Functionizer - Face Recognition Engine & App
Serverless face detection using augmented reality and smart glasses
What problem is addressed by the project?
The subject of the Functionizer project was to create a programming platform supporting the migration, optimization and management of software in the Serverless Computing model in a multi-cloud environment, i.e. with flexible use of resources from various suppliers.
Serverless Computing is a new model constituting the next stage in the development of cloud technologies. In this model, code written by developers is triggered using as many resources as needed to support it. This is possible thanks to the introduction of another abstraction layer that separates the software layer from the server infrastructure. The software is divided into many so-called functions, automatically initiated by the occurrence of an appropriately defined event. The application uses the infrastructure resources of an external provider, and the fee is charged solely for the time of using these resources, thanks to which it is possible to significantly reduce costs in relation to owning and managing your own servers. The demand for a solution of this type as Functionizer results from the growing number of applications, the operation of which is based on the processing of large amounts of data and requires maximum performance with optimal use of resources..
The 7bulls team implemented the project in cooperation with the Holisun SRL company from Romania. The partner’s role was primarily to provide the reference application necessary to correctly define the technical and functional requirements for the solution and its validation in real conditions. This assumption was implemented on the basis of an application processing the video data stream for facial recognition. According to the assumptions, the goals of the project were achieved through the development of CAMEL (Cloud Application Modelling and Execution Language) domain language extensions enabling modelling in this language of applications made of serverless components, i.e. so-called functions. Additionally, synergy with the MELODIC platform - developed with the participation of 7bulls - was used, supporting the creation and development of applications in the multi-cloud model.
Who uses the project results?
The offer is addressed to organizations of any profile of activities, using or planning to use cloud solutions and services (Cloud Computing). Potential recipients of the solution are programmers / developers using the Functionizer platform available in the open-source model (end users) as well as private and public organizations interested in migrating to the cloud (clients interested in purchasing consulting services provided by 7bulls).
The most important group of customers will be organizations with experience in using cloud services, including organizations that already have at least one cloud application and are interested in optimizing its operation and improving cost efficiency.
What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?
We can divide the challenges in the project into two main ones:
- Research challenge
The main research challenge was to develop an effective method of optimizing serverless components due to the fact that serverless components have different operating specifics than previously optimized virtual machines and other stateful type resources. An additional difficulty was the lack of standardization of serverless components, which required the development of a unified method of storing data on this type of components, regardless of the cloud service supplier. - Challenges related to the coronavirus pandemic
Due to the restrictions on movement introduced in connection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, , project meetings at a very important stage of the project development were organized remotely via the Zoom platform. All project meetings, mainly concerning project management and related risks, as well as technical meetings had to be held remotely, which significantly hindered making quick decisions. However, over time, the team developed an appropriate way of operating in and reporting about the project.
Another difficulty was the resignation from participation in conferences and activities related to the dissemination of the project. Usually, attending events helped in making contacts and promoting the project's product. This time, however, it was impeded, but in this matter the partners also developed a method of operation. The partners actively participated, in surprisingly large numbers, in conferences conducted practically exclusively in the on-line formula, often attending several conferences on the same day!
Our advice for other applicants
Projects implemented in the formula of international consortia require a lot of commitment by all participating partners into preparing a good project application. It is worth having trusted partners 'on board' with whom you have previously cooperated. If this is your first international application, it is worth finding out more about Eurostars partners from the NCBR (National Centre for Research and Development) coordinator. We not only write the application with our partners, but also together implement the project, so we must be convinced that the work will be well done by each participant, and that the goal known and worth pursuing by the entire consortium. The established relationships are the beginning of consecutive projects and initiatives. This is the invaluable added value of this type of project carried out in consortia.
Moreover, it is not worth writing an application at the last minute. There is a need for a coordinator of works on the application appointed by the project leader. He will supervise the works from the beginning to the end and lead to the correct submission of the application. The current Eurostars rules require more work on the proposal on the part of the partners than before. They must also ensure that their data is correctly entered into the portal. It is very important to lead the consortium in such a way that everyone knows what to do and has time to calmly read the application, make comments and accept it. And then success is closer than we think:)